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Men, Women, And Dating

I ran across a very interesting and enlightening Twitter conversation that happened 2 weeks ago, brought on by writer and journalist Bené Viera. Starting as a few tweets about her views about the dating scene in New York City, Bené sparked a great discussion about dating in the black community, including the effects of location, upbringing, status and standards. Ms. Viera also blogged about The Dating Conundrum and was nice enough to curate the conversation for those of us who missed out on the blog.

“If I were dating in this city I wouldn’t take any dude seriously,” I proclaimed. “I’d be a chronic dater.”


“I mean, do you know any men under the age of 35 in NYC that are seriously trying to be in a committed relationship?”

“Good point.”

“Women in NY are so aggressive. They’re like vultures. You can’t even talk to a man at an event or bar without 10 other women staring you down, waiting for you to walk away so they can holler at him. Men know this and act accordingly.”

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Read the rest of the blog and Twitter conversation here.

After reading, we want to know your thoughts and your experiences. Is there someone to blame? Is it just New York? Are men from the Midwest a different breed? Do black men and women want to marry each other? So many questions and so many perspectives!

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