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My Kind of Man

Tall, dark, and handsome. . .where did that come from?  Not all women desire that kind of man. We do have preferences when it comes to physical features. However, what I have learned is that when God chooses your spouse for you, he can make you fall in love with a person you never imagined you’d desire. The kind of man that makes your heart flutter or makes you want to look and act all feminine has less to do with appearance and more to do with character.

My kind of man isn’t on television, isn’t in the movies, isn’t in a rap song or on the cover of a magazine. By the grace of God, he’s in my house, just a few seconds from receiving a soothing touch, an encouraging word, or anything else I feel led to give him. And, I don’t mind at all because my kind of man would do the same for me.

So, what kind of man am I talking about if I am not referring to physical features? Check this out:

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BMWK, what are characteristics that describe your kind of man or woman?

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