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Break-Ups: Massive Failure or Golden Opportunity and How You Can Make it Through

By: Saretha Pyant

Break-ups suck!! There, I said it…it’s one of the most heart wrenching experiences one can endure because it’s a pain that heals only with time. In the midst of heartache comes depression which, depending on the length of the relationship and an individual’s coping mechanism, can range from days to weeks to months.

Related: After a bad break up, here are 10 scriptures that help you heal

You can’t eat, sleep, or think about hardly anything except the person that left you like yesterday’s news and how you’re going to move forward. However, in the moment, moving forward seems impossible because all you can do is cry, eat, drink, or smoke (for some all four is a party for one).

Break-ups are not the end of the world.  Although it feels like it, it can actually be the beginning of a new you.

First, the break-up recovery process is synonymous with the grieving process. It may sound silly, but you are grieving the loss of your relationship.

Related: Read this to find out if you are ready to date again after a break up

With acceptance comes the desire, as it did for me, to make it to the other side.

Choosing me involves allowing the circumstance to be exactly what it is and realizing that anyone who freely chooses to walk out of my life, did so of their own volition.  He did not choose me…but I did.

Utilize this time for deep introspection in order to discover your true authentic self. Find out who you really are, your likes and dislikes, what you want your life to look like, your relationships, and your career.  “You attract what you are” translates into the understanding that you are a mirror of the people that you attract into your life.  If you want healthier relationships, then you must begin with the person in the mirror.

BMWK, what things have you done to make it through a break-up?

Saretha Pyant is a Certified Life Coach, specializing in lifestyle management and relationship coaching. She received her bachelor’s degree in psychology from Clark Atlanta University. Saretha decided to follow her passion of helping individuals build and maintain healthy relationships because she knows first hand how imperative healthy relationships are in contributing to the overall progression of personal development.  Follow her on Twitter: @thesarethanicole IG:@thesarethanicle

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