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Do You Want Heels or a Husband? Why You Need To Stop Hating On Short Men If You Want Love

Single ladies, I have a simple question for you: Are you hating on short men? 

I hear it from sisters all the time. I want a man who is 6’0″ or taller, they say. I want to feel safe and protected when I’m with him. And anyway, I like wearing heels…

But you don’t wear heels to bed, do you? #HollaIfYouHearMe

Related: If you’re single, are you the person your future spouse is praying for?

So here’s the question you need to ask yourself. Do you want high heels or do you want a husband? What’s the bigger priority?

I feel you giving me the side-eye so let me break it down for you.

1) The average man is around 5′ 8″.

When you refuse to even talk to a man who is less than 6 feet tall, you shrink your dating pool to the size of a pea!  I can see it now.

Size does matter when it comes to your options in dating.

The pickier you are, the fewer people you have to date and the longer it may take you to find a partner.

Selectiveness is ok, but not when you’re eliminating good guys who have no control over their height. God made them that way, remember?

2) Even the Bible shows how people messed up by picking the tall guy.

When the people begged God for a king, they wanted Saul because he was handsome and head and shoulders above everyone else. He looked like he could protect them, but Saul proved to be a bad leader and God replaced him.

When the prophet Samuel questioned God’s new choice, God said, “Don’t look at his appearance or how tall he is, because I have rejected him. God does not see as humans see. Humans look at outward appearances, but the Lord looks into the heart.” (1 Samuel 16:7)

If God can look past a man’s height and choose someone because of his heart, why can’t you?

A man’s height has nothing to do with his ability to protect or provide for you. If you’re feeling some kind of way about walking down the street with a man who isn’t towering over you, you may have an issue with your own height, not his. In other words, are you comfortable in the skin you’re in? If you accept yourself fully, it’s easier to accept others.

Remember, the people who find love are open. They don’t judge a book by its cover. They’re kind and willing to meet new people.

3)  A New York University study discovered that taller men get married quicker, but shorter men stay married longer.

The researchers also discovered that tall men also tend to marry women who are younger than they are! They concluded that women associate a tall man with masculinity, status, and attractiveness. But physical attraction only matters in the initial stages of relationship building. It doesn’t amount to a hill of beans when it comes to whether your love will last.

Still rolling your eyes? You’re right. A man’s height has little to do with whether or not he’ll stay married. And that’s just my point! His height doesn’t matter in the long run.

Related: If you’re wondering what the most important characteristic in a great spouse is, read this!

I’m not asking you to marry Kevin Hart. I’m not even asking you to start a relationship with a man just because he’s short. I’m asking you to stop JUDGING men on their height and start focusing on what really matters.

I’m also not asking you to do anything I didn’t do. My husband and I are around the same height, which means if I put on a pair of stillettos, I’m taller than him. Guess what? I wanted a husband more than a pair of heels, so I wore kitten heels to my wedding, said “I do” to the man of my dreams, and have been married for 9 years!

BMWK single ladies, which do you want – Heels or a husband? 

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