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What to do When You Feel Like Giving Up on Love

Over the past year, I’ve coached people all over the world who are ready to give up on love. They tell me things like:

I got this crazy message in my inbox…I’m cancelling my subscription to online dating forever!

If this relationship doesn’t work out then I’m giving up. I guess I’ll just be single for the rest of my life.

I’m scared to trust again. I don’t know what a man will do to me.

I’m not dating anymore. God will just have to bring my mate to me.  

If you’re on the verge of giving up on love, let me encourage you.

I understand you may be feeling some kind of way about the opposite sex, online dating, relationships, marriage, and even yourself, but giving up isn’t the answer.

You have more control over how you feel about love than you think. You just have to break the negative attitude you’ve developed about your situation.

Your attitude is created by the way you interpret what happens to you. I know you’ve been through hell and back in your relationships and you’re sick and tired of being sick and tired. You don’t want to try anymore and you can point to so many reasons why you have the right to feel the way you do.

But here’s the thing, the reality is we all deal with crazy ups and downs in love.

Everybody does, no matter if they’re single or married! So it’s not about what happens to you. It’s how you DEFINE what happens to you that matters.

I challenge you to make a decision that you will not let negative emotions like fear, doubt, or hopelessness control you.

How do you do that? There’s a process I take my clients through to help them become aware of their negative thinking patterns, but I want to give you a few tips to help you get started.

You can change how you think and feel about relationships by using these 3 simple affirmations:

1.    I believe in love and I know it’s possible for me to experience it. 

Giving up on love is like giving up on God! God is love and He made you to love and be loved. When you give in to your negativity and hopelessness, you deny your purpose for living. Make a decision to believe in love.

2.    I’m happy now and I will allow myself to be even happier with the right person in my life. 

Happiness doesn’t depend on your circumstances. It’s a choice you make day by day, moment by moment to focus on all that’s going well in your life.

The second part of this affirmation gets rid of the “either/or” mentality that if you’re happy being alone, you don’t NEED a relationship in your life. Instead, by shifting your mindset you can see your contentment as the key to attracting the right relationship into your life.

3.    No matter what happens to me, with God’s help, I will be ok. 

This affirmation helps you deal with the uncertainties of love and relationships. So many people I coach get stuck when they face the fear of the unknown.

The fear of “what if” can be so strong that you’ll fight to make a bad relationship work, sabotage a good one or block love from coming into your life in the first place.

This affirmation will shift your focus from trying to control the future, to trusting in the One who holds your future!

Giving up on love guarantees failure. So does a negative attitude. But you can believe in love again by using these affirmations. Your attitude is everything!

BMWK, I’m curious: Have you ever felt like giving up on love? Tell me your story below! 

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