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3 Ways To Answer The Question “Why Are You Still Single?”

The holidays can be hard when you’re still single. All of the parties and engagement commercials can be a constant reminder that you haven’t found The One yet.

Your family can also be a constant reminder that you haven’t found your perfect match.

I know what its like to be sitting around the dinner table with your aunties, cousins, and out of the blue, somebody says,“So, why are you still single? When are you gonna get a man? (Or if you have a man, they’ll ask when are you getting married, when are you gonna have kids?)”

Don’t you hate that question? It makes you feel judged. You get tired of having to defend your life and give an answer to every person.

I know you really want to say, “It’s none of your business!” but unless you want your family to clutch their pearls and give you the sideye, I’d like to suggest three ways to handle the “Why are you still single” question this holiday:

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