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Grown Women Don’t Do Debt: 5 Baby Steps To Eliminate Debt

There is a reason why “debt” is a “four-letter” word. Debt is a curse and keeps you from living your life free of fear, worry, and frustration. The irony is that we run away from our financial problems because we want to avoid pain. Running away, however, only worsens the state of our finances, thus creating even more pain and financial issues.

Bottom line: we must confront our debt in order to control it and ultimately eliminate it.  We must tackle our debt in order to feel and be grown. The reality is that you can’t kill your debt overnight nor do you need to in order to feel like you are making progress in your money world. Committing to financial freedom is a life-long journey, starting with tiny, baby steps.

BMWK Ladies – Take these five baby steps to increase your financial confidence. These steps will help you become debt-free before you know it. Are you handling your finances like a grown woman should? How are you eliminating debt in a systematic way?

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