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Marrying for Money: Good Idea or Bad Idea?

In my last article, “Why Did You Get Married?” I posed three reasons people marry. One reason was money. Back in the day, a woman stayed home to cook, clean, raise children, and tend to her husband. Therefore, she expected her husband to provide the finances to run the house. As time goes on, parents encourage their daughters to “marry well” so they won’t have to worry about money. That idea is acceptable but I believe parents should teach their daughters to have their own money.

When I took my teenage daughter to an outdoor event, two men had a very nice car on display. It was antique and expensive. My daughter of course wanted to take a picture next to it, but one of the men asked if she wanted to take a picture in the driver’s seat. She excitedly hopped in the driver’s seat and flashed a huge smile. After I took her picture, the man told her if she married well, she could have a car like that too. I immediately told him that my daughter could have a car like that if she worked to pay for it and did not need her husband to purchase it for her. He paused, started nodding his head and agreed.
Here are my opinions about women looking for a man just for money:

1. You are not for sale or lease, don’t look for the highest “bidder”.
2. Don’t search for a great “catch”, be a great “catch”.
3. Be self-sufficient, your husband is not your father.

The possibility of job loss is real and you should be prepared if that happens. Having two strong incomes and bank accounts can lessen the blow if that happens. Also, not only should you have your own money, you should know how to manage it as well. If you mismanage money, the large bank account won’t matter.

BMWK — What are your thoughts regarding women marrying for money? Good idea or bad idea?

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