by Harriet Hairston
Ladies and gentlemen, here is the 30 Day Sex Challenge Lesson #2: Make the music with your mouth! In your mouth lies the power of life and death, blessings or curses. In your mouth, ladies and gentlemen, lies the ability to make your spouse feel like a giant or a gnat. In your mouth lies the key to either lock your spouse up or free them from personal prisons that bind their potential.
Instead of creating a cacophony of tearing one another down and abusing each other with what you utter, build a sweet symphony of encouragement. It doesn’t matter who takes the high note or the low note, what matters is that during the course of your daily conversations and planning, that you avoid dissonance (two notes beside one another on the keyboard being played at the same time, creating a grating sound) and continue on towards unison and harmony. Even if you’re having a disagreement, it can be done respectfully and full of grace to the point where you’re not angry at one another once all is said and done.
Making music with your mouth could mean many different things:
- Ladies, instead of nagging and nitpicking, you nurture and nestle your husband! This means that we stop majoring on the minors and learn how to build up and comfort our men!
- Gentlemen, you want to, start with the words that come out of your mouth in admiration and appreciation for your wives! Try a little tenderness in verbalizing your needs, and I promise you she’ll go out of her way to not only give you the world, but rock it, too!
- All relationships need to work towards consistently loving and respecting one another with sincerity and integrity. No matter how tired, angry or frustrated we may get, we all deserve to be treated with honor and dignity.
So tell me, BMWK, how has this challenge taught you the value of making music with your mouth?
God bless!
~ Harriet
Harriet Hairston is a woman who slips and slides in and out of labels (military officer, human resource manager, minister, mentor, spoken word artist and teacher). The only ones that have stuck so far are “wife” and “mother” (the most important in her estimation). The rest have taught her well that only what she does for Christ will last. There is one more permanent label she holds: “author.” You can purchase her first book, “Who Are You?” simply by clicking on the link. You can also contact her at [email protected].
Ruby Griffin says
That is sooo true,In my just talking meeting,the ladies alway bring up,my husband,this and that,i tell them all the time,a marriage is what you bring,In the meeting,the other day,a ladies,ask me,Why my husband don’t love me anymore? it kind shock me a little bit there,cause there a question,i can’t answer…but i ask her,Do you love your husband?,she rely,yes,I suggested,just talking,You need to open up your mouth,and tell him how you feel,before you start judging him,by you withdrawing from him, it may be vice verser…sometime a little tenderness,love,and care,will take your husband to the mountain top,it not all about the big thing,the little thing that what really count,that make your love grow,consider each other feeling,it nice to be nice..when you come home from work,he/she,leave your work face out there,and when you enter into your home,put your home face on,and greet your husband or wife with a smile,and ask,How u doin,and How was your day? That will determine,How your night will be…
{JeLisa} @ Blogging Ever After says
This is a beautiful challenge. 🙂
Wives are so powerful in the lives of their husbands, and yes, it has a lot to do with what we say to them. I seek to always build my husband up and solidify our bond when I am speaking to – or about – him.
I’m down to try even harder for the next 30 days. 🙂
.-= {JeLisa} @ Blogging Ever After´s last blog ..I just love how art imitates life. =-.
{JeLisa} @ Blogging Ever After says
Oh, and P.S.
I thought this was going to be about oral sex. 😉
.-= {JeLisa} @ Blogging Ever After´s last blog ..I just love how art imitates life. =-.
Harriet says
@ Ruby,
That’s so true! It’s important for us to stroke our husband’s egos, no matter how much that doesn’t conform to society’s standards (or the standard of the independent black woman). It’s very simple, but so many of us refuse to use that gift to uplift our husbands.
@ JeLisa,
Errrummm…yeah. So I had to re-write this article because I DID give some pointers about oral sex, but they were a tad bit too graphic for consumption in an article. LOL BUT, since you mentioned it, all I said was if you wanted to give your honey a little extra pleasure in that arena (and the same vice versa), hum a tune with both high and low notes while you’re engaged in oral sex. The vibration adds more intensity to the experience.
But no Biz Markie beat boxing, OK? That’s just nasty. ROFL
Harriet says
@ Ruby,
Thats so true! Its important for us to stroke our husbands egos, no matter how much that doesnt conform to societys standards (or the standard of the independent black woman). Its very simple, but so many of us refuse to use that gift to uplift our husbands.
@ JeLisa,
Errrummm…yeah. This is a family website…but if you’d like further information about that particular topic, shoot me an e-mail. ROFL!!!
Fran says
thanks for the 411 and i received your book sat. thanks
Harriet says
@ Fran,
My pleasure (no pun intended)! Let me know what you think of the book whenever you get a chance to read it! Be blessed!
{JeLisa} @ Blogging Ever After says
Lol, Harriet!
Definitely not looking for more information on that! It’s just that it’s called “The 30-Day Sex Challenge,” and the title of the post is “Make The Music With Your Mouth,” so ummm… yeah… 🙂
Guess it just shows where my newlywed mind is. Carry on! 🙂
.-= {JeLisa} @ Blogging Ever After´s last blog ..I just love how art imitates life. =-.