Let’s face it. Going back to school after summer vacation is hard. It sometimes takes a while to get out of the slump and into the “groove” of school. While everyone’s excited about new clothes, backpacks and school supplies, let’s have the same excitement about the school year and all that goes along with it. Here are 7 simple steps for a successful school year.
If you can’t remember everything I share with you, try to remember the mnemonic, S-U-C-C-E-S-S
S is for setting goals. What are we striving for this year? All A’s? A-B Honor Roll? We have to be first be honest about our children and their capabilities, strengths and weaknesses. At the beginning of every year year, let’s strive to set realistic and attainable goals for our children. Tell them: “Setting the goal means you’re halfway there!”
U is for united. Let’s make sure that it’s understood that as parents you are a united front when it comes to your child’s education. You need to also make sure your child understands that you are working with the teachers and bridging the gap from school to home.
C is for consistency. Children thrive on routine and familiarity. If their day is planned out from wake up to bedtime and all steps in between (like snack time and study time), it provides them with a sense of comfort and great habits should begin to form.
C is for caring. Sounds simple doesn’t it? We’re parents, so we care. But showing that we are interested in our children is of utmost importance. Let’s give them our undivided attention (TV OFF! Phone down!) when we talk them about their day and about their studies. If we’re not interested, why should they be?
E is for expectations. Our young scholars are at their best when clear academic and behavioral expectations are communicated and understood. As parents, we also need to be aware of what the teachers’ expectations are of our children as well. Open dialogue with the educators is vital!
S is for sleep. We all know that children need an adequate amount of sleep, but did you know that children’s sleep requirements vary by age? Three to six year olds need 10-12 hours of sleep. Seven to Twelve year olds need 10-11 hours and children Twelve to Eighteen years old need 8-9 hours. Lack of sleep limits your ability to listen, learn, concentrate and solve problems. So, set those bedtimes and stick to them!
S is for support. Parents, let’s always take an active and SUPPORTIVE role in our children’s education. We should encourage them the ENTIRE school year and take our role as supporter very seriously. Although our main duty is to provide them with their basic human needs (shelter, clothing and food), it’s extremely important for them to know that when/if they happen to fall, we’ll be there to catch them!
Here’s to a great school year and the success of our youth!
BMWK – Do you haven any pointers for a successful school year?
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