It comes as no surprise that after being together for years, you can unknowingly take your spouse for granted. The courtship should never stop. It should last forever through spontaneity and kind, loving words. I know that I love to feel appreciated, as I’m sure most women do. In addition to FEELING loved and wanted, it’s nice to hear it, too! To the guys, here are 10 things your honey still wants to hear after all these years.
1. “I’m so blessed to have you in my life.” Tell her this because it truly feels good to know that all of her hard work and efforts as a wife (and mom) are a blessing to you and your family.
2. “I’m so proud of you.” Personally, I find this to be music to my ears. It’s a very encouraging statement and it propels her to do even more!
3. “You’re still as (even more) beautiful than the day I met you.” Of course it’s man-law to compliment your wife, but the sincerity of this statement is very heart-warming. Outward beauty in society puts a lot of unwanted pressure on women. If you love the way she looks, tell her.
4. “I am happy to come home to you.” This is super sweet. Your house should be your refuge. If you say this to your honey, she might just give you something better to come home to.
5. “I’d marry you all over again.” Awwwww…to say that you would do this all over again says a lot! She wants to know that you are happy being by her side.
6. “What can I do to help you?” Now, this!! This is better than whispering dirty words in her ear!! Ask her how you can lighten her load…or how you can assist her and you’re guaranteed to bring a smile to her face.
7. “You’re a wonderful mother to our kids.” We wear many hats – wife, mom, friend, daughter, taxi, referee, etc. When you acknowledge that we are doing well at one of our most important jobs, it speaks volumes!
8. Refer to her as your “bride”. There is something magical about being referred to as a bride, years after the wedding. As a woman, our wedding day was one of the most beautiful days of our lives. To hear you say that brings back those memories and really makes her feel good inside. It actually does something to you when you say it. Try it!
9. “I appreciate you.” Simply put, it says, “I see your worth around here. Your efforts and all that you do for us, is not going unnoticed.”
10. “I love you.” Enough said.
As women, we are very strong, but delicate creatures. No matter what we’re doing or what we’re going through, we still love to know that we are loved and appreciated – especially to those who mean the most.
BMWK, can you think of anything statements that she wants to hear?
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