Having a successful relationship starts with knowing who you are completely. You can’t fully love someone, if you are still questioning who you are, or what you could possibly bring to the table. 2014 was a year of learning and transition for many people, and if you are ready to step into 2015 with a roadmap for love, we wish you much success. We’d like to share 7 Guiding Principles for Having Amazing Relationships in 2015 from our BMWK Staff:
1. Know who you are
Get to know yourself, get God’s view of yourself and live by that, says Tatianah Green in Singles: How are You “Actively Waiting” for Marriage?
When you make the decision to be single and actively wait for God’s plan to unfold, you’re excited to pursue His plan for your life and not deciding to worry about marriage.
2. Be open to change with the time comes
You wondered when would you become involved in a relationship? You have imagined it, dreamed about it (and even prayed about it) and now the time is here! In 5 Steps for Transitioning from Being Single into a Relationship, Michelle Cameron ask what are some ways where your life must adjust to accommodate the growing relationship?
You may have been single for a long time and have gotten used to a routine where you are doing the things you need to do or want to do on your own schedule without a thought.
3. Know When to Walk Away
Sometimes we stay to long. “But I love him!” I hear many women say. Unfortunately, love isn’t a good enough reason to stay in a relationship says Aesha Roberts in, 3 Signs that You Should Call it Quits in a Relationship.
“Every second you spend with the wrong one is a second you’re not with “The One.”
4. We Are All Works in Progress
Writer, Tatianah Green, shares in 10 Things to get ‘Delivert’ from by 2015, we have God’s grace to cover our mistakes and she prays that we all get the wisdom to not make them again. With that being said, it’s time to start declaring with your powerful words, what you will and will not do in 2015 as a single.
No excuses for not enjoying life before you get married. “Oh I’ll wait to go to Paris ‘til I get married,” no—time to plan that trip in your single season! In this season of waiting, you should also be working and preparing.
5. Don’t Rush to the Alter
I have known of many singles over the years who rushed to get married, says Michelle Cameron in 8 Reasons Why Singles Rush to the Altar and 3 Ways to Make It Last. For some, it worked out well and they have been together for many years, but for many, rushing to marry was a disaster waiting to happen.
Surround yourselves with mentors and advisers who can caution you if you are about to make a serious mistake by getting married quickly. Marriage is intended to last forever. Do all you can before exchanging vows to lay a strong foundation for a healthy marriage.
6. Know Where You Stand in a Relationship
In Why You Should Talk about the Relationship Status before You Become Intimate a reader reveals she became intimate too soon and now questions where her relationship stands. Tiya Cunningham-Sumter, quickly gave her reassurance about her decision and offered great words of advice.
No matter how funky it feels, you cheat yourself when you don’t share what it is you want. If they don’t desire the same thing, at least you know and you can move forward. But if they do, you can begin to develop that committed partnership.
7. Develop Healthy Relationships
Past failed relationships may have long-term negative effects on individuals if they lack healthy coping skills. Dr. Buckingham says, a damaged heart and loss of trust is difficult to repair in What 5 Steps Can a Single Woman Take to Develop Healthy Relationships?
Despite the personal challenges we might face, in regards to developing relationships, we must not forget that anything worth having, is worth working for.
BMWK, Are you ready for a new year and new you?
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