We’re back with another iPod Touch to giveaway this week and it’s all for a good cause! We’ve teamed up with General Mills to giveaway 4 FREE iPod Touch “I <3 BKFST“ gift packs as a part of their wonderful I <3 BKFST campaign that will raise awareness that young girls need to eat breakfast each day. (Check out our interview with Keke Palmer announcing the campaign.) We’ll be giving away one FREE prize pack each week for the next four weeks! You can enter in just 3 easy steps!
We’re also happy to announce that last week’s winner was…. tamialve. We’ll be in touch soon via email so you can claim your prize.
1. You must join the “I Heart BKFST” Facebook page and paste “BlackandMarriedWithKids.com Hearts Breakfast” on their wall. (www.facebook.com/iheartbkfst)
2. You must take the Pledge to eat breakfast on their Facebook page (For every pledge, General Mills will donate $0.25 to Grace House, a foster home for girls in Birmingham, AL, to help purchase groceries for their morning meal, up to $10,000 with a minimum donation of $5,000.) (https://www.facebook.com/happilyeverafterthemovie#!/iheartbkfst?v=app_7146470109)
3. Become a member of our email list. (https://blackandmarriedwithkids.fanbridge.com/)
Once you’ve done all three just leave a comment below letting us know! The comment will serve as your entry number. If you already did all three last week just leave “BlackandMarriedWithKids.com Hearts Breakfast” on the I Heart Breakfast Facebook Fan Page as mentioned in step one and leave us a comment.
Extra Entries:
Tweet: “@blackandmarried is giving away another FREE iPod Touch https://tinyurl.com/29wl6s3 #iheartbkfst” Then leave us a comment letting us know. Each tweet is one extra entry.
Also you can Follow Us On Twitter at @blackandmarried and leave us a comment letting us know.
Contest ends at 11:59PM on Sunday Nov. 7th. We’ll select a winner via random.org and will announce them next Monday when the next contest starts. Must be a US resident to win.
iPod Touch Gift Pack Contains:
iPod Touch, I <3 BKFST T-Shirt, Scarf, Apron, 4 Glasses, 4 Bowls and a Carafe!
More info on I <3 BKFST:
Did you know that when African American girls eat breakfast great things can happen? Researchers followed African American girls and their peers for 10 years! They learned that eating breakfast is an important start to your day. According to the research, girls who ate breakfast were more likely to have healthier weights and had lower total cholesterol.
Plus, breakfast gives you energy to start the day!
You can pledge to eat breakfast, and make good-for-you choices like milk, fruit, yogurt and cereal.
Not only will your pledge be a positive step for YOU, but you’ll also impact a girl in need. For every I<3BKFST pledge, General Mills will donate $0.25 to Grace House, a foster home for girls in Birmingham, up to $10,000, with a minimum pledge of $5,000. The money will be used to help Grace House purchase groceries for the girls’ breakfast.
After you pledge you will have access to fun downloads!
Did you know that among African-American girls ““ ages 14 to 17 years old”...
“¢38% skip breakfast on any given day;
“¢89% of the cereal the girls consume is eaten with milk;
“¢61% of all the milk consumed in their diets comes from
that eaten with cereal (Ref 1);
“¢In addition, a recent report indicates 24 percent of
African American girls ages 12 to 17 are overweight,
compared to about 15 percent of white girls (Ref 2).
Did you know that overall according to a 1998 study,
kids who ate breakfast ““ compared to children who
skipped the morning meal “...
“¢Performed better at school;
“¢Recorded higher test scores;
“¢Reduced absenteeism and tardiness (Ref 3);References:
1. NHANES 2007-08
2. Federal Interagency forum on Child and Family Statistics. America’s Children:Key National Indicators of Well-Being, 2007. Table HEALTH5.
3. Murphy JM et al. The Relationship of School Breakfast to Psychosocial and Academic Functioning: Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Observations in an inner-city School Sample. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med 1998;152:899-907
*This giveaway is part of a paid campaign*
https://twitter.com/MissingLynxx/status/1487291621052416 another tweet
https://twitter.com/MissingLynxx/status/1487781855498240 breakfast is for everyone!
Always be yourself; no one else 🙂
Be the change – Ghandi
I yam what I yam – Popeye 🙂
Tweet https://twitter.com/ATweetMom/status/1489837601333248
deeandco3 at gmail dot com
Be comfortable in who you are 🙂
won2xx at gmail dot com
always remember who you are not what others tell you you are.
https://twitter.com/MissingLynxx/status/1493147213369344 tweeting is fun 🙂
A hug is like a boomerang – you get it back right away.
Bil Keane
last tweet – hoping this is my lucky week! https://twitter.com/simplydab/status/1494248901844992
not sure I can do this another week. LOL
When angry, count ten before you speak; if very angry, a hundred.
Thomas Jefferson
Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage.
Lao Tzu
tweeting for breakfast!
won2xx at gmail dot com
I LOVE Breakfast!
Do all things with love.
Og Mandino
All You Need Is Love – the Beatles 🙂 (and breakfast!)
time for breakfast yet?
<3 breakfast!
https://twitter.com/MissingLynxx/status/3532603030245376 see the good in e1