10-year old Robby Novak, known to most as Kid President, announced last week that he will be getting his own variety show on the family-friendly Hub Network and the show starts this June.
Robby is known for his inspirational (and funny) viral videos on YouTube. His new show on Hub Network is called “Kid President: Declaration of Awesome,” and is produced by SoulPancake television company. The new show will be 30 minutes long, and so far the green light has been given for ten episodes.
Kid President started making videos in 2012, with the hopes of giving kids a voice. His video, “A Pep Talk from the Kid President to You” went viral and to date has had 32 million views. In his new show he will get a chance to interview a variety of guests, including some celebrities.
Congratulations, Robby. I can only imagine what the future holds when you get your own show at the age of 10.
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