Be Present, No Matter What
“Even with our jam-packed days, Michelle and I work hard to carve out certain blocks of family time that are sacrosanct. For example, at 6:30 p.m., no matter how busy I am, I leave work to go upstairs and have dinner with my family. That’s inviolable.”
I had to look up those words: sacrosanct and inviolable. But, basically, President Obama is saying ‘I don’t play’ when it comes to family meal time. It’s just one of the examples he gave on the importance of being present for The Huffington Post.
I can’t imagine any parent, being busier than he and Michelle. We should all follow their example: keep our families first, despite the demands of life.
[tps_footer]BMWK: If you know a dad, that’s not repeating the cycle…tag him here and let us know what you love about him. [/tps_footer]
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