So switching gears a bit, how has becoming a parent made you a better wife and husband?
Jill: Well we’ve come up with some new challenges that weren’t there before. We were together a very long time before our son came along. And we just had no idea how our lives would change once he come along. It definitely changed for the better. We don’t know what we were doing before he came along and we’re thankful for all the joy that he’s brought to our lives.
We work together even more because we have the common goal of raising him. I think it enhanced our lives more than anything. The biggest challenge is time management.
We have less one-on-one time, but we enjoy spending our time as a family unit. But we don’t feel cheated by our children because we had time when it was just the two of us for so many years. And I say children because we’re expecting another little boy in November.
BMWK: YAY! Congratulations. That was going to be my next question. That’s exciting!
Jill: Thank you. And you got the scoop because we’ve been so busy that we probably still have family members to tell.
BMWK: [laughs] Just tell them to check out the post! So there you have it BMWK family: this is your breaking news, exclusive with Paul and Jill Brunson.
[all laugh]
Jill: Yeah but I think this is it. We’re done at this point now.
BMWK: Yes little ones change things.
So, what would you say what’s the biggest challenge you’ve faced and overcome in your marriage?
Paul: I don’t know that we’ve had a big challenge, but maybe something viewed as a challenge is us working full-time together. I think a lot of people would look at that and think there’s tension but it’s rather easy. Something also interesting is that it’s done the opposite, and has done more good than harm because we have another thing we connect on.
Jill: Also, it allows us to spend time together where we’d otherwise be unable to. Paul travels a lot so when he is around, we get to have lunch dates. If we didn’t work together, chances are that may not happen as often. I think it’s helped us stay close.
BMWK: That’s great!
So what’s some marriage advice that you’ve been given and implemented?
Paul: This is more of a funny story. I interviewed a couple in their sixties, and the man lost his memory when he was younger, but the advice he gave me (off camera) is to ask your wife, “What can I do for you today?” and then do it. It was so profound. I tweeted, wrote articles about it. It was just amazing. And the reason I say it’s funny is because I sent Jill a text the next morning since I was in California, asking that question, and she’s like, ‘What’s wrong? Are you ok?’ Are you dying? What is going on here?’
[all laugh]
BMWK: I don’t know, I probably would’ve asked the same question of my husband.
Paul: And then I said it again for the next four or five days and she kept saying she didn’t want anything. But I kept asking. Then there was a good two weeks, when she told me what she wanted, and I would do it.
But after that, she started asking for some outrageous stuff. So I stopped doing it. That was the end of that. It lasted a couple of weeks.
Jill: Yeah it was very short lived.
[all laugh]
Candace says
Awesome interview!
Tanika says
Great interview! Congratulations on your upcoming new addition!
LaShaundra Taylor says
Congrats, that’s real love!
Tiya says
This is such a great interview! What a beautiful love story! Well done Christine!
Christine St. Vil says
Isn’t their story awesome?! 🙂 Thank you so much Tiya!
Alvin Pelt, MD says
Great article on healthy relationships. Glad to see more evidence that brother’s and sister’s can have it going on…