Dear Dr. Buckingham, I've been with my babies' father for five years now. Throughout the five years that we have been together, he has never been able to keep a job for more than three months. We have two little boys and I stopped working when I got pregnant the first time. I would look for a job, but when I was working in the beginning of the relationship, he didn't work … [Read more...]
I Love My Fiancé, But I Feel Trapped: What Should I Do?
Dr. Buckingham, I am a 21-year-old single female and I recently got engaged to my high school sweet heart. We are fairly young, but believe that we where meant to be together forever. Our relationship has been rocky for years, mainly because we where trying to find ourselves while also trying to maintain a relationship. My fiancé has a temper and does not express himself very … [Read more...]
5 Things to Do When Someone You Love Is in a Bad Relationship
It’s hard to watch the people we love suffer. We want what’s best for them, and when it seems like they are settling for less than that, we want to intervene. We do so from a place of love with the very best intentions, hoping that our words and actions will motivate our loved one to change. But typically, it doesn’t work out that way. They stay in the bad relationship for … [Read more...]