One of the best things that you can do for your partner and yourself is to be honest with them about your health. December 1st is World AIDS Day, an annual opportunity for people worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, and one of those ways is through knowledge. I talked with Dr. Gameli Dekayie-Amenu from Besties M.D. about HIV in the Black community and other STDs that … [Read more...]
World AIDS Day; It’s Still a Preventable Disease
I had a friend that always had a horrible cough. The doctor in me wondered why and often asked, “Why do you cough so much?” I was told it was asthma. Well they moved and we lost contact. One day I just decided to Google my friend and to my amazement, I found his obituary. December 1st is World AIDS Day. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome is an infectious disorder that … [Read more...]
World AIDS Day: Is HIV/AIDS Awareness Still Prevalent Today?
In the 1990's there was a heightened awareness for HIV and AIDS. There were benefit concerts, commercials, tons of "wrap it up" campaigns and particularly in the African American community, there were celebrities that were impacted as well. Notable names like Arthur Ashe, Eric "Eazy E" Wright and Magic Johnson grabbed the attention of the community, giving a recognizable and … [Read more...]