Fellas, fellas, fellas. Can we talk? I'm privy to a lot of the conversations you have about your frustrations with the ladies, especially your thoughts about the ladies who say there are no good men out there. Because as a matchmaker, men tell me all their secrets on a regular basis. (Ok, not all of their man secrets, but enough to get their player's card pulled!) I also … [Read more...]
Should Christian Singles Try Speed Dating? My Raw and Real Experience with the Trend
Ever been speed dating? Before I turned 30, I wanted to give speed dating a try. Movies like Hitch to 40 Year Old Virgin, which featured speed dating scenes, left me curious. As a busy woman, the idea seemed alluring, but I wondered how can people go on speed dates and honestly establish a legitimate connection. If you're curious too but have always wanted to try it, don't … [Read more...]
Single Ladies Discussion on the Good, Bad and Ugly of Single Life in 2016
One of the things I enjoy doing most as a Relationship Life Coach is exploring the differences between the sexes. I recently had the opportunity to have an uncensored, unfiltered, honest Q&A session with a group of single women on dating in 2016. Let me just say that the struggle is real. I had absolutely no idea some of the dating challenges single ladies deal with … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Why You Should Try That Online Dating Thing Again
When I ask my smart, successful clients why they haven't been on a date in almost two years, they always tell me the same thing: "I don't know where to go to meet men! I'm so busy; I don't like the clubs; there aren't any good guys at my church; I'm not going to be throwing myself at men," and other statements that reveal they spend their lives going to work, church home and … [Read more...]