I've always loved quotes. They often inspire and encourage me. There is so much power in words. Seeing or hearing the right ones can often change your mood or the very way you perceive your current circumstance. And still, as much as I love a great quote (and always will) I also know that the most uplifting words, the most powerful words can actually be found in the Word -- … [Read more...]
How To Use The Bible To Create Your Financial Blueprint
Who and what do we consult for financial advice? Michelle Singletary? Yes. CNN? Yep! David Bach? Ok. The Wall Street Journal? Sure. Farrah Gray? Why Not! The Bible? ---What? Yes, the Bible. For Christians and members of other religious and spiritual faiths, the Bible is chiefly viewed as a moral and religious text. The Bible, however, provides sound practical … [Read more...]
Marriage Ain’t No Punk
Marriage should be a lifestyle, not a casual relationship that can be terminated on a whim. Therefore it should not be entered into lightly or taken for granted. Once entered in, handle the marriage with care and remember why the decision was made to marry. This should be a careful decision because marriage ain’t no punk. Marriage is a covenant between you, God, and your … [Read more...]
Is The Bible Relevant To Your Marriage?
Lately I have been running into a few people saying the same thing, and I decided to bring it to the BMWK family for further investigation. "Is the Bible still relevant for marriages today?" A few weeks ago a woman from one of the largest Christian family ministries was sharing with me that a seminary professor told her it would be impossible to live married according to … [Read more...]
Love Is…
by Aja Dorsey Jackson One of my favorite teachings about love is found in Corinthians 1:13. Most people have heard this scripture at least once and no matter what your religious beliefs, it speaks to so many things about love that are universal. I love this scripture because in my opinion it sums up most of what we need to know to love successfully by teaching what love's … [Read more...]