Over the weekend, my friend--let's call him Jackson--sent me a text message to ask me what I was doing. I had turned down a dinner date earlier in the afternoon and wasn't doing much of anything. Since I'm not into to texting an entire conversation, I picked up the telephone. Jackson couldn't understand why I didn't go out when I didn't have my daughter. I explained that I … [Read more...]
Very Smart Brotha Gives Very Smart Dating Advice to a Very Single Mom (Part I)
When I moved to the Cayman Islands, I told my father I wanted to run a marathon. He laughed. Not because he thought I couldn't reach such a goal, but because he knew what it would take to cross the finish line. In the past, he ran a half-marathon and clocked six or seven-minute miles during training. Once he put a marathon into perspective for someone who never … [Read more...]