by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters On Thursday night I sat down like many of you to view Almighty Debt, CNN's latest installment of its Black in America series. I'll admit I was a little apprehensive. How was a mainstream media outlet going to handle an institution as complex as the Black Church and a subject as delicate as debt without resorting to standard … [Read more...]
Can Men Handle Financially Successful Women?
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters I can only imagine how difficult it is for today's black women. As my mama would tell me, "You have to work twice as hard to get half as far." And black women have to work even harder. I'll be the very first to give a sister her props for shining brightly and for earning the well deserved paycheck to match. That's why a few studies I came … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Is a Financial Fast in Your Future?
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters Could you go a whole day without spending money? Could you put away the credit cards and purchase only what you needed for survival? Is it possible not to spend a dime in our consumer driven society? The key to gaining financial freedom is understanding and controlling spending. Of course this is easier said than done. As I mentioned … [Read more...]
Money Monday: The First Step to Financial Freedom
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters Have you ever started the week with $60 in your wallet and days later opened it up and wondered why only a couple bucks are staring back at you? If so, you're like most of us. We see the money come in but have no idea where it all goes. The truth is most of our money vanishes in small amounts - $3 here, $7 there. The $3.50 coffee and bagel … [Read more...]
Money Monday: How to Get Out of a Financial Rut
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters Sometimes finances are like bad relationships. The kind where you find yourself treading water with someone who doesn't fulfill you emotionally, spiritually, or physically. Mistreatment, neglect and emotional abuse are par for the course. You deserve more, but it's easier dealing with the current person than taking the risk of … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Does Money Buy Happiness?
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters, I used to cringe when people said "money can't buy happiness". Obviously these people had never been poor - not known what it's like trying to put food on the table, keep the electricity on, or prevent the bank from repossessing the car. When you don't have much, money can buy a whole lot of happiness. I recently came across perhaps a more … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Saving Money In The Grocery Store
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters, Did you know that for most people food represents their third largest expense, behind only the car payment and the mortgage? While there's little we can do to change our car payments or alter our mortgage, we can significantly lower our food bill - sometimes by as much as 50%. Cutting out impulse purchases is the first place to start. In … [Read more...]
Money Monday: An Attitude of Gratitude
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters Sometimes I just have to turn everything off. Turn off the TV. Shut off the cellphone. Power down the computer. That's when I find time to sit still and be thankful - grateful for all the simple blessings I've taken for granted. In our consumer driven society we're constantly told we should have bigger, faster, newer. Commercials tempt us … [Read more...]
Money Monday: The Power of “Free” – How It Makes Us Do Crazy Things
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters Entering the Chicago subway station, I was reminded of the irrational power of "free". Previously solemn commuters were now rushing the entrance nearly killing themselves trying to get one of the free coffee mugs being handed out by a local merchant. From the way they were acting you'd think they were giving away gold. Yes "free" can make us … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Kmart Layaways And The Lessons Of Savings
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters I grew up in the Dark Ages - no internet, no ipods, no cell phones, and definitely no credit cards. I had heard about the Diners Club Card - but that was for really rich people. Then this thing called MasterCard came out. This too was for the well to do, the kind of people that ironically didn't need credit. This MasterCard wasn't like … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Should Married Couples Have Joint or Separate Bank Accounts?
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters "I have my money. He has his money" I'm surprised at how commonplace this attitude has become. While united in marriage, some people handle their finances as if they were single. I think this undermines the concept of marriage - the joining of two lives into one. Shouldn't that include the joining of financial lives as well? My views … [Read more...]
Money Monday: How Do You Raise Money Savvy Kids in a Materialistic World?
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters It's funny watching young kids carrying cell phones. I wonder what's so important in their young lives that they have to be able to call anyone from anywhere? Growing up we had one phone in our house - the old rotary type that took ages to dial. And for the longest we had only one television as well. I served as the human remote, turning the … [Read more...]
Money Monday: How the Corner Candy Store Can Help Us Master Our Finances
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters Growing up my family didn't have a lot of money. But that didn't mean we couldn't enjoy certain little pleasures in life. As kids the corner store down the block was our little ghetto Disneyland. The front of the store lined with rows of mouth watering treats created just as much excitement, anticipation, and joy as a real amusement … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Mama Knows Best – The Childhood Money Advice We Should Be Listening to as Adults
by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters It never ceases to amaze me. Despite how grown up you think you are, you'll never be as smart or as wise as your parents. As an adult, I'm only now beginning to fully appreciate the lessons they tried to teach me. The phrases and sayings that made me roll my eyes with frustration are now springing to life with new meaning (OK, so I didn't … [Read more...]
Money Monday: The True Nature of Money
We're happy to announce that our "Money Monday" feature is back. Over the next few weeks you'll get great weekly insight and tips on managing your greenbacks by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters of Please take a second to check out his site when you get done with this great article. by Dr. Charles Alonzo Peters I think we should change the way our money … [Read more...]