Actress Holly Robinson Peete shared her thoughts on the untimely death of actor Michael Clarke Duncan. In addition to being friends with Michael's fiancé, Omarosa Manigault, Holly's mother represented the actor for several years. "He was like a brother to me," she said. She also spoke about how Omarosa never left Michael's side. "Anybody who thinks that love wasn't real, all … [Read more...]
Celeb Marriage Scene: Beyonce and Jay-Z Find Out The Sex Of Their Unborn Baby
New-mom-to-be Beyonce and hubby Jay-Z already know the sex of their unborn baby and have been choosing names, according to Bey's little sis Solange. The proud auntie-to-be said at a New York Fashion Week party that the couple are keeping all of that info under wraps for the moment. We're already waiting to see what surprise the superstar couple has in store for the gender/name … [Read more...]
Celeb Marriage Scene: Sherri Shepherd Prepares For August Wedding, Chris Rock Heading To CNN?
Rapper/Actor LL Cool J was photo'd out headed home from a dinner date with his wife, Simone. The couple has been together for more than 20 years. {Media Takeout} Actress Nicole Ari Parker tweeted last week that her new film, 35 and Ticking, will open in theaters in Atlanta and Baltimore on May 20. The romantic comedy focuses on the lives of 30-somethings and also stars … [Read more...]