Dr. Buckingham: I hope you and your family are doing well. My boyfriend has three kids with three different women. The first two he had when he was 20 and the kids are 7 months apart. He said he did not know the other woman was pregnant until the first baby was one year old. He lived with the mother of his second child for 5 years and they broke up because she wanted him to … [Read more...]
How Do I Deal with My Unemployed, Babies’ Father?
Dear Dr. Buckingham, I've been with my babies' father for five years now. Throughout the five years that we have been together, he has never been able to keep a job for more than three months. We have two little boys and I stopped working when I got pregnant the first time. I would look for a job, but when I was working in the beginning of the relationship, he didn't work … [Read more...]