I have a favorite uncle. I consider him a mentor. When I tell him that I love him, the other end of the phone goes quiet. I know he is blushing. That’s just how Caribbean old school men do. I love and I understand it. Well, one day, I called him to tell him how I was progressing in life, especially when it came to my finances. I was trying to impress my uncle by telling him how … [Read more...]
Money Monday: 8 Ways to Painlessly Save More Money
It seems we Americans have a savings problem. According to the US Department of Commerce, Americans save a mere 4.2% of their disposable personal income. The Germans, by contrast, save 10.6% of their disposable income, while the French put away nearly 15% of their money. Worse yet, a full 27% of Americans have no emergency savings at all, while only half of all Americans … [Read more...]