The IRS is warning Americans that criminals have already stolen more than one million dollars from victims through an ongoing phone scam. "This is the largest scam of its kind that we have ever seen," warns J. Russell George, Treasury Inspector General For Tax Administration. The thieves, impersonating IRS officers, call unsuspecting targets and insist that the victims owe … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Why Identity Thieves Are Targeting Your Children
Imagine your child defaults on a mortgage, racks up thousands of dollars in credit card bills, and gets pulled over for speeding, all before the tender age of five. Increasingly, it's become all too common as identity thieves put children in their crosshairs. All a criminal needs is your child's social security number. The scammers combine the social security number with a … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Why Identity Thieves Love Your Online Profiles
It appears the days of Bonnie and Clyde are behind us as the FBI reports a steady decline in the number of bank robberies. We shouldn't be surprised though. Why use a gun and mask when you can simply steal someone's identity and money using a home computer? In 2011 alone, identity fraud increased by 13 percent with more than 11.6 million Americans becoming victims. And it … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Why We Need To Be Vigilant Against Identity Theft
On Wednesday night I, along with millions of others, watched transfixed as former President Bill Clinton delivered his prime time speech to the Democratic convention. Yet, at one point during the speech I become mortified. It wasn't over anything the former President said. A video camera had cut away to an image of an elderly woman proudly holding her Medicaid card up in the … [Read more...]
6 Reasons Why I am Excited To Fight Identity Theft
BMWK family, I am proud to announce that I have been selected as one of four moms to be brand ambassadors for Fellowes, Inc. This is a very exclusive group of moms that will be educated about the threat of identity theft for families and the ways to prevent this crime. We will also learn about Fellowes technologies and products. To kick off the program, the other moms and I … [Read more...]
Money Monday: How Even Smart People Like You And Me Get Scammed
I knew there was going to be trouble. The plain clothes officer had eyed me as soon as I stepped onto the subway platform. Slowly moving in my direction he flashed his badge, an indication a good time was about to be had by all. "What are you doing?" he asked. "What am I doing?" I thought to myself. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm waiting for the train just … [Read more...]