Since August 9, 2014, news outlets, Twitter feeds and Facebook timelines have been inundated with the news of 18-year-old Michael Brown being shot down in Ferguson, MO by a police officer. Michael Brown was unarmed. For a moment, let's forget about the fact that Mike Brown was black and the officer was white. For a moment, let's just understand that Mike was a kid on his way … [Read more...]
Broadway Unites Outside of NYPD to Honor Eric Garner and Protest
We've all watched and listened, in horror, to the coverage of 43-year-old Eric Garner's death by the hands of a NY police officer. Outraged, people everywhere want to know why this man was placed in a choke hold and why he had to die. As it currently stands, the NYPD has take disciplinary action against the two police officers. In addition, four EMS workers have been … [Read more...]