The act of flirting is still alive and well! Don't ever stop doing it. If you've ever stopped, get back to it. It's always a win-win for everybody, that's sure to lead somewhere that you BOTH wanna go. Flirting is an art. To some, it comes naturally. Just make sure that you're using it when and where it matters the most and of course, that is anytime, any place, and with your … [Read more...]
25 Ways to Tell Your Husband, “I Love You!”
I'm always researching ways to enhance and enjoy my marriage. To some, this may not be a big deal. But for busy moms like myself, there are times that we barely have enough time for ourselves, let alone a moment or two to be a fulfilling and intentional wife. Disclaimer: I make no claims to be a relationship expert. This is a list that was created to inspire you, not cause … [Read more...]