A while back, Mary J. Blige's comment about not allowing each other to have friends of the opposite sex sparked a lot of water cooler discussion at work. To give proper context to her comment, the interviewer asked her what the benefits of marrying one’s manager are. MJB’s response was, “…If one of you don’t want to talk about something right now, you have to respect that. And … [Read more...]
9 Unspoken Rules About Marriage that Speaks Volumes
When I took my wedding vows before God, I meant every word. I plan to love, honor and respect my husband until death parts us. I know he meant them, too. The vows we make, before God and the people we love most, serve as a spoken promise to each other. You can even call them rules, really. It’s like we are saying, “these are the rules we plan to play by so this thing can … [Read more...]