During the beginning of my marriage, it was pretty hard for my husband to get a read on how I was feeling at times. He would ask me what was wrong, and I would look him right in the eyes and say, “nothing.” I knew darn well that was a lie, but I got into the habit of doing it pretty often. One day, my husband expressed how annoying this habit was and how saying “nothing” … [Read more...]
These 3 Things Should Matter More Than Your Spouse
My husband understands me in a way few people can. He appreciates my quirkiness. He understands why certain things cause me pain. He is sensitive to my emotional needs. He’s a good man. There is no question in my mind I married “the one.” And because I was fortunate enough to marry not just a great guy but the right guy for me, I make sure he understands our marriage matters … [Read more...]