It never fails. Whenever I'm out and about with my kids, people are always commenting about how well-behaved and loving they are. While I like to think this is the norm, I'm told time and time again that it's not. Recently, I shared a Periscope broadcast on 10 easy tips for moms to recharge, reconnect and FLY (First Love Yourself). Tips eight and nine were all about setting … [Read more...]
Motherhood & Success: You Don’t Have to Choose
This past weekend, I got to celebrate my daughter's third birthday. When I think back three years ago to what success as a mother meant to me then versus now, it's actually evolved over time. Some people don't believe that motherhood and success can go hand-in-hand. Some may argue that once you become a mom, you have to put all of your dreams and goals on hold, or worse, forget … [Read more...]
5 Reasons Moms Lose Their Sanity and How You Can Keep Yours
This past weekend, I got to do something I rarely get to do but love to do...go out dancing. I went out to celebrate a good friend's birthday, and it was so fun to get dressed up to hang out with some great friends. Usually when I take time to hang out with my girlfriends, it's set around food and usually low key. But I love dancing and was so grateful that my hubby made sure … [Read more...]