Most of us would agree that trust is the key component to any successful relationship, and few would ever condone lying to a spouse. Yet, in a recent magazine financial infidelity survey, nearly half of the participants confessed to keeping money secrets from their partner. Forty-six percent of the 23,000 survey participants admitted to financial … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Which Of The Seven Deadly Money Mistakes Do You Make?
The road to financial freedom is littered with potholes, but you can make your journey a little smoother if you avoid these common financial mistakes. Mistake 1: We have no idea where our money is going. Quick, how much money did you spend on groceries last month? How much did you shell out for entertainment, clothes, or dining expenses? The sad truth is that most of us … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Could Your Child Pass The Marshmallow Test
In the late sixties Stanford psychology professor Walter Mischel conducted a study to look at our ability to delay gratification. In what has become known as the marshmallow test, four-year-olds were brought into a room, one at a time, and placed in front of a delicious marshmallow. The instructions were clear. The child could eat the marshmallow if she pleased, or she … [Read more...]
Money Monday: How To Make Sure Your College Investment Dollars Don’t Go To Waste
High school seniors and parents across the country are now anxiously trying to decide which school will get their hard earned money for the next four years. While most people place a great deal of emphasis on getting into college, fewer pay attention to what it takes to get out of school with a coveted degree in hand. There's nothing worse than college debt, except … [Read more...]
Money Monday: The Lottery – Mindless Entertainment Or Frank Exploitation?
OK, I admit it. I caught the Mega Millions bug last week. Like millions of others I succumbed to the "it could be me" fever and took a shot at the new American Dream of instant wealth. And I wasn't alone. Friends of mine, who had never played before, lined up at corner stores and gas stations right alongside diehard lottery aficionados to cast their lot in the lottery … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Create Spending Barriers To Move Ahead Financially
I love Mike and Ikes. I'm an addict for these small chewy fruit flavored pieces of candy. Like potato chips it's nearly impossible for me to stop at just one. One piece, two pieces, three pieces, and before you know it I've gone through a large box. Despite my best efforts, I have been unable to control myself, until recently. My big breakthrough came after eating a … [Read more...]
Money Monday: How To Make Sure You’re Not Working At Walmart When You’re 65
Just recently I checked into a hotel late in the evening. As I was getting my luggage out of the car I was surprised by the appearance of the bellhop. No, this wasn't a young twenty-something, but rather a frail gray-haired gentlemen. As he struggled with the weight of the luggage cart I couldn't help but lend him a hand. All the while I was thinking to myself, why is this … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Is Facebook Keeping You From Getting A Job?
Looking for a job? Hoping to keep your current one? You might want to check your Facebook timeline first. It seems in the age of social media, your Facebook postings and Twitter activity could be your undoing. Now I totally understand how berating your boss on Facebook might get you a one way ticket to the unemployment line. Take, for instance, the worker who complained that … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Three Ways For Your Child To Save Big On College Costs
Soaring college costs are enough to make any parent sweat, but there are savvy ways to cut costs. Here are three suggestions that will allow your child to save some serious money: Apply For The Absolute Best Job On Campus One of the most overlooked jobs on campus is also the most lucrative. Resident Advisor positions are golden tickets. Although I missed the RA bandwagon as … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Should Couples Move In Together Before Marriage?
About a decade ago my brother moved in with his fiance. It was largely an attempt to save money before the wedding, but the idea of two Christians living together without first tying the knot raised some eyebrows. Fast forward to 2012 and the practice of cohabitation before saying "I do" has become commonplace, even among the religious set. In fact, experts estimate that … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Make A Date With Your Finances
With so much personal finance advice everywhere, you'd think we'd all be financially fit by now. Dave Ramsey blasts money tips from his radio show. Suze Orman lectures us on television while numerous personal finance books, blogs, and magazines spit out all sorts of money saving suggestions. As a result, we often know exactly what we should be doing with our money. … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Why It Pays To Study Your Bills
When was the last time you actually looked at your bills, bank statements or credit card charges? When was the last time you actually went over them with a fine-tooth comb? If you're like me, you may have glanced at the balance due, paid it, and moved on. But times have changed. No longer can you simply trust the statements you get in the mail or access on your computer … [Read more...]
Money Monday: For Financial Sanity It Pays To Test Drive Your Payments
It's heartbreaking to watch families lose their homes. The recession and jobs crisis shattered the "American Dream" for many. And let's not forget about the unscrupulous mortgage brokers who duped many unsuspecting home buyers. But many families simply bought more home than they could reasonably afford. It's easy to understand why. We all overestimate how much money we … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Is The American Dream Dead?
Over the weekend I was moved by the following tweets of CNN anchor Soledad O'Brien: [blackbirdpie url="!/Soledad_OBrien/status/158568357031972864"] [blackbirdpie url="!/Soledad_OBrien/status/158568611152273410"] [blackbirdpie url="!/Soledad_OBrien/status/158568934499549184"] [blackbirdpie … [Read more...]
Money Monday: How To Make New Year’s Resolutions That Last
It's that time of year again when we vow to live differently in 2012. As January rolls around New Year's resolutions are the hot news item. And while it may seem that setting resolutions is an exercise in futility, clinical psychologist Dr. John Norcross explains that New Year's resolutions may be more helpful than we think. According to longitudinal studies performed by his … [Read more...]