If it hasn't happened in your relationship, it's coming. I can assure you. Soon your lady will come in and say these words, "Bae, I think I want to go natural". After those words are uttered, you'll feel the change in the air. And before you know it, you're both going Natural without you truly knowing what that means. I want to help all my fellas out a bit. When your lady says … [Read more...]
Top 5 TWA Style Videos Every Natural Should Watch
Many of our Butterflies have recently returned back to their natural hair and are ready to rock their Teeny Weeny Afros (TWA) with style. I always hear there are just not enough TWA style videos out there to keep our short hair sisters styling and profiling. Then it came to me, I needed to find the best of the best in TWA style videos. I'm talking about styling that is easy, … [Read more...]
The “N” Word (Nappy)
No, not that "N" word. The other one. The word "nappy". Can we talk about the word "nappy" for a minute? Do you cringe when you hear that word as a description of a certain texture of hair or do you embrace it? After watching a natural hair tutorial on YouTube where a woman describes a child's hair as having a "nappy" texture I read the comments. People were sounding off … [Read more...]