We all marry for love with hopes that our unions will last a lifetime. I know that’s why I got married. I married my husband because our love runs deep, and I truly believe we can stand the test of time. But that’s not the only reason I married him. It’s not just about love. I also married my husband because I felt like he could meet many of my needs. And I don’t just mean … [Read more...]
Not Doing This One Thing Will Put The Last Nail In Your Relationship Coffin
I just helped one of my clients break up with his girlfriend. Derwyn and Lisa (we’ll call them) were in a 2-year long distance relationship. They both love each other. But Derwyn’s complaint was that Lisa wasn’t showing enough commitment to their relationship. She’d text him “Good morning” every other day or so and that was basically it. All he was asking was for Lisa to … [Read more...]
What Good Men Want: 3 Things That Don’t Require Sex
What is it that men really want? That is a question that ladies everywhere are searching to find an answer to or at least some sort of hint that will help them figure it out. Attempts to appeal to the interests of a significant other can be quite confusing and frustrating when you are not sure what it is that they want or need. Poor communication/miscommunication creates … [Read more...]
5 Things Every Woman Needs to be Happy in Her Marriage
Having a happy marriage shouldn’t feel like some elusive goal. Despite all the negativity you may hear or see, happy marriages do exist. They don’t just happen by chance, though. A happy marriage is something that happens when each partner is willing to do some individual work, and together the couple is willing to work on their marriage. A happy and healthy marriage … [Read more...]
The Number One Thing a Married Couple Needs from Each Other, Part 1
Ephesians 5:33-Neverthless let each one of you in particular love his own wife as himself and let the wife see that she respects her husband. That is an interesting scripture about marriage that is actually what spouses really need from each other. I’m not saying husbands don’t want love and wives don’t want respect, but it seems that the priority of two complement each other. … [Read more...]