Spring isn't the only time you should give your home a deep clean. Now that we're just a couple of days away from a brand new year it would be a great time to clear out your closet and leave the foolishness (read: clothes that don't fit, are outdated, etc.) in 2014. If you need help deciding what to keep and what to toss, check out THIS post. Go ahead, I'll wait. Okay, now … [Read more...]
Time to Let Go! 5 Kinds of Clutter You Need to Release from Your Life
I’m reading a book called, The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin. One thing that struck me, as I was reading, was the section on clutter. I’m of the belief that if you de-clutter your surroundings, you de-clutter your mind and your thoughts become clearer. In her book, she discussed the different kinds of clutter and why we might be holding on to “stuff”. I’m sharing my … [Read more...]