A few weeks back, I announced I needed to de-stress my life, specifically my mornings. Red flags were flying all over the start of my day and I knew a change needed to come soon as possible. So, I decided to become an early morning person for the next 30 days in order to bring peace to my dawn. I had a feeling that this would be a game changer, but I was not prepared for such a … [Read more...]
De-Stressing My Life With a 30 Day Early Bird Challenge
As our family’s lives get crazier and more and more is added to our daily plates, we find ourselves feeling stressed, tired, and disconnected. Eight years ago, before having a child, starting a company, being a part of ministry at church, and various other side hustles, my husband and I had hours on end to lounge about and do what we willed. Now, each minute counts and we are … [Read more...]
3 Reasons Why You Need Your Sleep; Your Body Will Thank You
Over the last month, I have been ripping and running, here and there, working seven days a week, and feeling basically harried and sleep-deprived. Over the course of the month, I started to notice some scary things: my heart was beating faster, I had gained a couple of pounds, and my skin was looking crazy. In our fast-paced world, sleep is one of the first things we … [Read more...]