The relationship between my wife and I was a long distance one for our entire courting and engagement season. There is good news and bad news about being in a long distance relationship. The good news is you are forced to learn how to communicate. The bad news is you only see each other every so often. But, because of the distance, conversation starters came somewhat easy. I … [Read more...]
Should You Know Everything About Your Mate?
Every person, every psychologist and every marriage counselor has an opinion on what makes a good marriage. Can we agree that part of a good marriage includes love, honesty and openness? However, does this mean should you know everything about your mate? Is it necessary to know all that happened in their life before they met you? Is it realistic to know your mate inside and … [Read more...]
The Importance of Communication
In real estate the one word that is heard most is location, location, location! The reason is the better the location of the property, the better chance it has to sell, which is the primary goal. Well in marriage, the one word you must remember is communication, communication, communication! The reason is the better the communication; the better chance your marriage has to … [Read more...]
Why It’s So Important to Listen to Your Children
"Listen earnestly to anything [your children] want to tell you, no matter what. If you don't listen eagerly to the little stuff when they are little, they won't tell you the big stuff when they are big, because to them all of it has always been big stuff." ~Catherine Wallace I saw this quote on Pinterest a few days ago and later on Facebook. There hasn't been a day that … [Read more...]
Re-Connecting With Your Real Life
I often find myself frustrated with the glaring deficiencies in my teen son's ability to communicate --- what he's saying versus what he means and if he even understands the difference. He says he'll be somewhere when he needs to be picked up but nowadays I can almost gaurantee he'll be somewhere else, waiting for me to call to announce that his driver has arrived. His plans … [Read more...]