We are all busy people and this is a busy world. We are mothers, fathers, parents, sisters, brothers, cousins, grandchildren, professionals, friends, and so many other roles. We make time for the people and things that matter most to us and often at the expense of ourselves and our personal priorities. Now in an era where self-care is critical to your peace of mind, … [Read more...]
Money Monday: 5 Ways To Manage Your Time More Efficiently
Time is money. Whether you’re trying to find the time to jumpstart your side-hustle, study for a more lucrative career, or build your entrepreneurial empire, time management is the key to your success. But, as I have found out, managing your time is not as easy as it seems. We live in a world full of distractions. Everything is designed to steal time away from our … [Read more...]
Not Enough Hours in a Day; 6 Places to Find More Time
I am always amazed by people in my circle that seem to commit to completing the goals they have set for themselves—whether it be becoming more healthy, working on their side-hustle, or returning to school as they juggle family and work obligations. I know a lot of us have big, juicy dreams but say that the lack of time keeps us from achieving them. So, I started to ask my … [Read more...]