This is part of a sponsored campaign with P&G My Black is Beautiful. All opinions are my own. We recently had the opportunity to sit down with Erica and Warryn Campbell to discuss the importance of celebrating and recognizing our black men in general...but especially on Father's Day, a day that has been set aside to honor them. We had so much fun in the interview that … [Read more...]
Join Us for the #GrownLove Twitter Party on Tuesday, March 10th
One thing we always say here on BMWK is that a big part of having better healthy relationships is making smarter choices. And this is why we love the advice that our friend Zara Green and Alfred Edmond, Jr give in their newly released book, Loving in the Grown Zone: A No-Nonsense Guide to Making Healthy Decisions in the Quest for Loving, Romantic Relationships of Honor, … [Read more...]
Join Us for the #Smarter Twitter Party on Wednesday, October 15th
This is part of a sponsored campaign with Hyundai. All opinions are my own. One thing we always say here on BMWK is that a big part of having better relationships is making smarter choices. And these smarter choices will sometimes involve making tough decisions, letting go of things and people that you have outgrown, apologizing to people that you have wronged, and being … [Read more...]
Join Us for the #365BlackAwards Twitter Party on Tuesday, May 20th
Youth that participate in community service-based activities are not only giving back, but they are developing the skills to be tomorrow's leaders. How do you encourage a 'spirit of service' in your children so that they too can experience the joys of giving back? Join us for a #365BlackAwards twitter party Tuesday, May 20, 2014 at 9 PM EST as we discuss how to encourage a … [Read more...]
Join Us for the #GladeMomGetaway Twitter Party on Thursday, May 15th. Great Prizes and Fun for Busy Moms!
This is part of a sponsored campaign with Glade®. All opinions are my own. As a busy mom of 4, I don’t always have the opportunity to getaway for me-time. But as you know, me-time is essential for being the best you that you can be for your family. Therefore, I have mastered the art of providing myself with small treats throughout the day that provide me with just enough … [Read more...]
Join Us for the #BOXTOPSCHAT Twitter Party on Tuesday Jan. 28th
Do you care deeply about education and the future of every kid in our community? This Tuesday, we’re chatting with Box Tops for Education® about how to support our children’s academic success. How can parents ensure their children are making the most of their education, and how does Box Tops help support our kids’ academic success? Join us on Tuesday Jan 28 at 1PM EST as we … [Read more...]
#MarriageChat Wednesday: This Weeks Topic is Marriage Lessons We Learned Along The Way
Week three of our online Twitter party kicks off on Wednesday July 6th where the topic will be, "Marriage Lessons We Learned Along The Way!" We'll be on Twitter using the hashtag #marriagechat and talking about the best\worst advice you've received, the things you wish that you knew before marriage and most importantly the things that you've learned since saying I Do. You do … [Read more...]
#MarriageChat Twitter Party Launches This Wednesday Night
We're happy to announce that your friends here at Black and Married With (us) are taking the Marriage Movement to the next level beginning this Wednesday when we host the first of our weekly Twitter Chats around the topic of marriage. We're taking our focus of using technology to repair, enable and promote marriage to Twitter beginning this Wednesday June 22nd at … [Read more...]