The typical smart phone can set a customer back $400 or more, a price we pay by way of our monthly cell phone bill. As a consumer spending that type of money, you want to get the most out of your cell phone. Here are just a few ways you can take advantage of your cell phone camera to become more productive and save more money. Document your rental car condition When I … [Read more...]
Money Monday: 7 Simple Tips to Recharge Your Finances
Do you want to take charge of your finances? Are you interested in keeping more of your own money? Consider implementing these simple money strategies. Before you know it, you’ll see more cash in your bank account. [imagebrowser id=276] … [Read more...]
Money Monday: 8 Ways to Painlessly Save More Money
It seems we Americans have a savings problem. According to the US Department of Commerce, Americans save a mere 4.2% of their disposable personal income. The Germans, by contrast, save 10.6% of their disposable income, while the French put away nearly 15% of their money. Worse yet, a full 27% of Americans have no emergency savings at all, while only half of all Americans … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Building Wealth is Not Glamorous
We’re addicted to the big play. The allure of the quick win seduces us all. Vicariously we watch the average Joe collect new found lottery millions, thinking – just maybe – one day it could be us. The nation hangs onto every episode of American Idol or the X Factor, waiting for the next rags-to-riches winner to be revealed. We read about the young entrepreneur who made … [Read more...]
Money Monday: Avoid The Financial Traps That Keep You From Being Wealthy
Over the next few weeks, I'll highlight some of the money traps that keep Americans chained to debt and unable to achieve true financial freedom. By simply avoiding these traps, you can literally save yourself hundreds of thousands of dollars over a lifetime. Conventional wisdom suggests that home ownership is the path to wealth creation. But unless you're careful, home … [Read more...]