"Don't marry young, it won't work." If you haven't heard this before, you probably will. For some reason, most people are not readily supportive of young marriage. Not real ones at least. Fans may show excitement over young love in Hollywood, but that's not the way it is in real life. In real life, most young engaged couples hear things like: You don't have enough life … [Read more...]
Does It Take A Lot of Money to Be Married?
I was recently asked this question by a young adult. Does it take a lot of money to be married is a good question. The person did not ask does it take a lot of money to “get” married, that’s an easy question to answer. No, the question asked was much harder. Does it take a lot of money to be married – that is a tough one because “a lot” of money is very relative, there are also … [Read more...]