How good are you at picking cotton? Because you might need to brush up on your skills if there is to be a Trump presidency. The racists and intolerant minds of the country have spoken, “We, the people, want Donald Trump as our next president.”
Donald Trump has been winning decisive victories in the primaries to elect a Republican candidate. After coming in second at the first Iowa caucus, he has clenched three straight victories in New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada. That’s not so much of a surprise since he has been leading in the national polls practically since he announced his candidacy. But what is a surprise is who is voting for “The Donald.”
According to analysis from based on data from a YouGov/Economist poll, one in five of Trump’s supporters disapproved of the Emancipation Proclamation. For those of you who skipped history class, that’s the executive order signed by President Abraham Lincoln, freeing the slaves in the southern states thus closing the country’s ugly chapter on slavery.
To be fair, we strongly suspect many of those Trump voters responding to the poll didn’t know what they were answering and just hatefully pledged “disapproval” to everything. But it’s still a little disconcerting that nearly a century and a half later, a significant demographic of U.S. citizens think ending slavery was a mistake.
And that intolerance doesn’t stop there. More exit polling data suggests 74 percent of Republicans stood in favor of banning Muslims from entering the country and more than half wanted to deport undocumented immigrants. Trump, of course, won those voters decidedly.
So, BMWK: if the idea of life-long servitude doesn’t inspire you to get out and vote, what will?
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