I love the start of a new year. It’s a refreshing opportunity to make changes in my life and explore new and exciting ways of living. And I am not talking about making those lousy New Year’s resolutions that so one keeps. I am talking about leaving bad habits in the past and entering the New Year with an attitude of expectancy—attracting only goodness to your life.
Marriage is often one of the most meaningful aspects of our lives, but it can also be the aspect of our lives where we make the most mistakes. We enter our into unions expecting only great things, but life happens, bad habits develop, and we find ourselves wondering how we got to where we are. We look around us and say, this is not what I signed up for.
I think most couples who get to a place where they realize that bad habits have set in, also realize they need to make a few changes to shift things in their relationships and get them moving in a better direction. Leaving bad habits behind is never easy, though, but it is necessary. Bad habits have this way of creeping into our space, taking over areas in our lives in a way we never expected. Bad habits keep us from reaching our true potential as couples, and they can leave us feeling unhappy and unsettled.
Here are a few habits you and your spouse should seriously consider leaving behind in 2014. Doing so will strengthen your marriage and help you prepare for a year that you’ll always remember because it will be known as the year you took your marriage to the next level.
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