I am the youngest of three. And I must say, if I had to pick which order to be born in, I would choose to be the youngest all over again. Watching our youngest child grow up, brings back memories of my childhood. Here are 5 reasons why I think being the youngest child rocks.
Being the youngest child rocks because….
The youngest child learns how to do things earlier than their older siblings. This is because they learn how to do things as their older siblings are learning them. For instance, sometimes they walk and talk earlier because they are trying to keep up with their older siblings. Our youngest daughter started to make her bed at age 3 and started riding her bike at age 4. I am pretty much teaching her everything that her older sister learns.
The youngest child gets to wear the older siblings’ clothes and play with their things! Some people call this hand-me-downs, but I call it wardrobe extensions. I used to love to borrow things from my older sister. But after awhile, I out grew her and only could borrow shirts and jewelry. But our youngest daughter enjoys, “sharing” ( or taking) things from her older siblings.
The youngest child often gets away with murder! My sister always said I got away with murder. She said my parents never believed that their baby girl could do any wrong. To this day, I still don’t know what she is talking about??? Our sweet little baby girl (that looks like me when I was her age) does not get away with murder. LOL
The youngest child will always be the baby! My dad calls me his baby girl (even though I am 40 years old) and I LOVE IT! Our youngest child just started kindergarten and I have to frequently remind myself to stop treating her like a baby.
The youngest child is loved by all! As the baby, it seems like everyone in the house is looking out for you and chipping in to raise you. Our middle daughter is only a 1.5 years older than her little sister, and she is already looking out for her. You can frequently find her teaching her younger sister how to read, teaching her how to play video games, and showing her the ropes around the Elementary School.
Check out our middle daughter teaching her little sister to read with the Mason™ interactive storybook by Hallmark. Mason comes to life when certain key words in the story are read.

BMWK – do you think being the youngest child rocks? Why or why not?
Each new day provides you with an opportunity to have special moments with your family.
Disclosure: This post is part of a series about Back to School encouragement that is sponsored by Hallmark. All opinions and editorial content expressed are my own.
I guess being the youngest is great, my baby brother is spoiled. I’m the middle child of 6 sibling and the weirdest,they say. LOL
Being the middle child probably needs to be it’s own topic too! My middle daughter is soo much fun!