We are inundated with information about our natural hair every day. Styling seems to take priority over your Home Hair Care, and before you know it, we are all lost from the things we need to be doing, regularly. Then it dawned on me, there are 5 things EVERY NATURAL, yes every natural should be doing no matter their length, texture, or hair aspirations. Let’s get into the 5 Things Every Natural Should do Regularly; that means at least once a week.
1. Washing Your Hair
You would think this wouldn’t need to be listed, oh but it does. Washing your hair on a regular basis puts you ahead of dryness, flakes, damage, and scalp health. I can’t hold my facial expressions at times when I hear naturals tell me they wash their hair once every 3-4 weeks. PAUSE, did you just say your hair is dirty for an entire month? The activity of washing your hair regularly (weekly) is not just a habit some naturals have picked up. It’s necessary to clean and free your hair of product, dirt, and dust from the world.
2. Wash Your Bonnet
We know you have that favorite bonnet or wrap you like to wear to bed. And I’m sure it protects your hair from those cotton pillow cases you sleep on. But what protects your hair from a dirty bonnet or wrap? Stop being all the way nasty and wash your bonnets weekly. I too had a problem with this, so please know I’m judging us all and not just a few. I never let a week go by without hand washing my bonnets. I also picked up a few more so I could have many in rotation while the others dried.
3. Clean Your Hair Products
This one doesn’t need much explaining. You know it’s bad when a friend asks you if they can use one of your products and once they open the top they are all the way turned off and opt to just go without. This means you need to get your rat-tooth comb and get your hair out of the container. It’s nasty as all hello to think you have dirty hair in your products just having fun.
4. Clean Your Combs and Brushes
This should be done after every wash and style. Never let products settle into your tools. The reality is, you try to get as much life out of your tools as you possibly can. You probably don’t buy many of them so take care of the ones you have. Clean them regularly (daily/weekly). Ensure they are dry before storing.
5. Deep Condition
Many naturals do the “Wash Drive By” on their hair. STOP and pamper yourself with a deep condition, you’re worth it. Your hair will thank you by showing up and show out all week. Remember, the deep condition can be from 5-30 minutes and adding heat during this time helps the condition to penetrate through your hair follicle.
Let me say this before the comment box blows up with the same notion. I too am busy. We all are busy, but these things still need to be done. Most of them take no more than 5 mins-1.5hrs to complete. I’m sure you spend that in a week social network surfing. I’m not judging, I get caught up surfing too.
BMWK – I think I forgot to add a few things to this list. What do you think all naturals need to do on a regular basis? Which ones are you faithful at doing? Leave your comments below.
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