Have you ever felt like there was something wrong in your relationship, but you just couldn’t put your finger on the cause? A lot of times, it’s an easy fix. That’s only when you can identify your problem. Well, sometimes the problems aren’t as clear and could be right under your nose.
Here are 6 things that may be ruining your marriage and you don’t even know it. When you are done reading them let us know if you can think of any issues we missed, that can potentially ruin a marriage?
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Love it!!!
Thanks Tiya!!!
Great article! Full of good points.
Love the article
Great points Sheree! I agree with every one and I would only add that you should always have times when you and your spouse get away by yourselves so you can really “check in” with each other. This is when you can have real conversations without children or other distractions and may find out if anything is happening that you need to know. I will definitely pass it on!
Ok I can let go of the past but it comes back on a regular and I have trust issues because he tells me one thing and she’s telling me something different.
Awesome !
Great article but definitely needed to read #s 5 and 6. Thank you!
Absolutely agree, this is a must read for those who are married or planning to marry. As a divorcee, it is going in my archives.
Really? With the exception of actually believing anything that happens on tv and transferring it to your relationship – everything listed here is somewhat part of being married. If this stuff can “ruin” your relationship – maybe the couple needs to do a maturity check.
Wow! Thanx! #5. Hit me on the head…what about that”baby momma drama”? Sometimes it can be bad enough to make you wanna turn and walk the other way…..
Crazybabymama.com, webrokeashell.gov, wontgrowup.edu and seemslikenothingIdoisenough.inc can definitely lead to major problems and sometimes Divorce Court. Commuincation,a plan of action, and follow through with major effort definitely takes willingless and commitment. I loved “YOU.” Yes a lot of times the problem is YOU.