I’ve been with my husband a long time, and I’ve almost always worn something on my head at night. All this time, I just knew my husband thought my bonnets made me look sexy. I even took initiative to change it up a bit (either by color or by cocking it to one side like a kangol hat). But I was recently hit with the hard truth that he (*gasps*) hates it. So due to his lack of appreciation of me wanting to keep my ‘do intact, it got me wondering what else were some things that I or some of his friends’ wives did that they really didn’t care for? Well…I asked, he asked, and below is what they had to say. None of these will probably lead to divorce or anything…but they may cause a need for a temporary space barrier to be put in place.
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I’m guilty of committing all nine of these offenses!!! Gotsta be mo careful!
No, it’s part of living a normal life. He married a human, not a unicorn. I’m not saying to go out of your way to be gross..or dutch oven him, but I will not make myself uncomfortable to seem like I’m this perfect thing I’m not. Oh, and he totally agrees. He said “what’s the point of a relationship if you can’t totally be yourself?” My point exactly.
This is a “cute” article, but realistically — when you been married for a couple of decades as I have, husbands AND wives see worst from one another. Once my husband saw me deliver our children from both a regular delivery and a C-section, all bets were off! Chatting in the bathroom while one of us is on the toilet is child’s play after all of the blood and gore of labor! And not to mention my husband’s battle with G.I. tract ulcers. If you’ve never witnessed the results of a G.I. bleed, then you don’t know what “In sickness or health” means. We’re bonded for life!
And if you’re yawning during sex?! Wow… Maybe he should see you and then he’ll put forth more effort into blowing that back out!
But still, cute article!
I agree, that article to me was for newly weds!
Me and my husband are newly weds(1 year), and we do all these things in front of each other, excluding #9. If you love one another, it shouldn’t matter how long you were married, you should be comfortable around one another.
Agree. People are too uptight. I believe that over anything else is what will lead to divorce.
I totally agree..
Too bad you didn’t read the part where it said these were “her husbands’ friends answers”. Nobody said ditch your wife if she does these things, just take note that not everything you do is “cute”.
That’s what it’s about..being there for each other at your best and worst. We don’t expect each other to hide things bc let’s face it, you marry someone you are comfortable with. Being able to do these things around someone shows that. I have to agree, we do have some of the best conversations on the toilet. I like to think it’s because he can’t just walk away lol. That’s probably the reason he follows me in too.
Great response!
My husband went to Human Resources to acquire assistance for new job position, because he eas terribly upset with his boss. The HR Represenative, was an elderly lady, listened to him, went back in the office and informed her coworker there is nice looking fellow requesting assistance for a lateral job position and he is not married! My husband saide he she brought the woman out, and offered the woman sexually to him! He said he had to tell the HR rep and the other woman that he was married, and that he was very happy in that area! He said he was embarassed! I went on the job, the HR rep said sh thought he was single he so nice and good looking! HE STILL DID NOT GET THE LATERAL MOVE HE WORKS FOR THE CITY OF ST. LOUIS, IM STILL THINKING ABOUT A LAW SUIT! THESE WOMEN ARE SKANKS, I COULD NOT BELIEVE IT! UNPROFESSIONAL! HARLETS ASSISTING HARLETS TO DESTROY MARRIAGES! NOTHING IS SACRED ANYMORE!
This article is complete BS except for the letting your self go part! I do agree with that and he better keep it tight too!!
Umm, so we should not let ourselves go, but we can burp in his face while wearing a hair net, sitting on the toilet? ‘Cause that’s sexy -_- Chile, bye!
That’s all better than letting yourself go. That shows that you gave up on yourself and are doing little to maintain it. In addition, its a reflection of how you care about your health.
All natural bodily functions are normal for couples to do in front of each other. Holding everything in while you live with this person isn’t normal or healthy. It’s not like they don’t know you go to the bathroom. No one said to burp in anyone’s face while wearing a hair net…
LOL whoever wrote this article is an idiot.
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We should respect each other’s comfort level. I laughed the whole time. Love is compromising and worth the commitment when it is real. HILARIOUS, but RESPECTED!
I wish someone will tell my husband he doesn’t want to see me using the bathroom because for some reason he thinks that’s the best time to have a conversation.
This article is stupid
Im screaming! Great reply…”blowing that back out”!
74… Have heard all the crap about what men like and no matter what, they still at like children !!
This article is crazy! My husband and I have been married for 10 years and we pass gas in front of each other. He has been going to the store to get my feminine products since we moved in together before we got married. When I was far along in my pregnancies he helped me shave. Yes he doesn’t mind when I wrap my hair in a head wrap or wear a satin cap to bed. The only thing I agree with is not letting yourself go.
Haha! Very well said !
All of these things (except periods) go both ways. Communication is key…..since some men/women desire to share these activities.
This article was a waste of my time and the author is delusional. Advice to the author, do a bit more research and group sessions to get your facts straight before writing about something you obviously hasn’t had enough experience in. Being a wife of 20 years, there are ups, downs, highs, lows, good and bad and when you said “for better and for worse” you vowed to stick it out regardless. This might be a perfect time for the author to rethink her career choice.
I agree with you. It’s not accurate. And the double standard of what men and women should and shouldn’t do is ridiclious. Men know they married a woman, not a babrie. We do all in front of each other, except letting ourselves go (bc we enjoy working out) and I haven’t yawned during sex. But I really think he’d be more hurt if I starting hiding stuff. Being in a relationship isn’t about keeping a “mystery” men know how humans function, (yes, women included). A relationship is about being comfortable with each other and growing together. In my opinion, nothing you do in front of each other should gross you out to the point where you need to stop doing it. You love this person for better or for worse.