Finding the perfect prayer for marriage is important because there are so many things in our relationship we need clarity for. So, why not include sex and intimacy in your prayers? If the Bible dedicates an entire book to this subject, then it must be really important and requires our attention. It may not seem weird at first to pray about sex and intimacy, but God is concerned about all the aspects of your marriage.
Prayer for Marriage | Five Areas for Sex and Intimacy
In this article:
- Open Communication
- Healthy Body Image
- Healing from Past Hurt
- Desire to Please One Another
- Keep the Devil Out of Our Bedroom
A Few Things to Note Before Praying: In praying, be sure to cover these five areas. Insert your spouse’s name in each blank.
1. A Safe Place For Open Communication
Lord, grant me the gift of open communication with _____________ concerning our sex and intimacy. Give me a desire to share my heart and hear his/her heart in this area. Allow us to create a safe place for one another where we feel secure enough to open our hearts and tell one another our wants and desires.
Scripture: Ephesians 4:15; Psalm 4:8
2. A Healthy Body Image
Father, show us how to be confident in the bodies you have given us. Give us the courage to stand in the truth that we are fearfully and wonderfully made in your image and know that our bodies are a gift from you. Pray that the sight and touch of my body are both pleasing to _________________. And, his/her body is pleasing and brings me pleasure. Thank you Lord for allowing me to marry your son/daughter. Scripture: Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139:14
3. Healing from Past Hurts
Past hurts are real. Thank you for being the God that heals. You are powerful enough to heal what seems to be inconsolable. Right now, I release all hurt and pain associated with ______________________ (event), and I receive your healing. Past hurts will no longer hinder my intimacy with __________________. It is done in Jesus name.
Scripture: Genesis 50:20; Matthew 11:28; Psalm 107:19-21
4. A Desire to Please One Another
___________________ and I are joined together as one. Our desire is for you first, and then for one another. We will forever be satisfied with one another because our love for one another is based on a love for you. It is not solely physical or emotional but complete in you.
Scripture: Proverbs 5:18-23; Malachi 2:15
5. Keep the Enemy out of the Bedroom
I declare that ________________ and I satisfy each other sexually and intimately. We are each other’s good thing. We will let nothing come between that. Our marriage bed is sacred, and no devil in hell will defile that sanctity. When faced with any tempting situation, you have already given us a way out, and you are that way. We will rely on you.
Scripture: Proverbs 18:10; 1 Corinthians 10:13
Isn’t it exciting to introduce prayer for marriage into your prayer life? Sex and intimacy are a vital part of a marriage. We pray about a lot of things in our relationship. Sex and intimacy are no different, so marriage prayers should be said to ask for healing, trust, desire, and anything else that concerns you.
BMWK family, do you already pray about sex and intimacy in your marriage? Let us know in the comments section!
Up Next: 9 Healthy Actions During an Argument That Help You Keep the Peace
Editor’s Note – This post was originally published on November 28, 2016, and has been updated for quality and relevancy.
Hi Debroah, I am so thankful I came across your site. IMy husband and I have been married for 26 years we have 2 grown daughters and an 11 year old as well. I started letting her sleep with us due to her fears etc it not taking my Husband’s lack of sleep and feelings into consideration. Now tut here is a lack of intimacy etc in our lives. I blame myself and have been praying about this situation. Our 11 she has been in her own bed now for a month thank you Jesus. Still nothing in the other department. Please can you pray for us. Thank you and God bless
I wronged my wife by going out with another woman and since then my wife does not like having sex with me and I complain alot.
Thanks for guidence and breaking past sexual bonds. Our sexual life irt going to be better
My husband is refusing me sex but he is having sex with other girls out their really am getting tired of such attitude.
add me in your prayers dear am going through the same situation am even depressed
I am married to a beautiful lady but have no affection for her but I love her. I need prayers to develope affection for her please I need your prayers.
My husband refuse to have sex with me after accusing me from adultery .NowHe never touches me no kissess and totally lost intrest in me When he tried he waits till Im a sleep didnt awakes me just touches me but the moment I awakes he turn and pushes me away So strange Dont understand its 7years now I feel rejeted and dont want to be his room mate any more