by Janks Morton
Since I have been involved in collecting data and researching statistics about the African American community, I can recall three specific times when I have been put on my knees, heartbroken, and crying out to heaven. The first was in 2006 when I was made aware that the out-of-wedlock birthrate for African-Americans was 69.7% (US Census-American Community Survey 2005), The second instance occurred in 2009 when I found that 82.3% of African-American children born since 1990, will l guaranteed to live in a home without their biological father before graduating High School (A Demographic of Analysis of the Family Structure Experiences in the United States: The Institute for the study of Labor, August 2007) The Third occasion happened on March 17th this year when it was shown to me that 97% of Americans have engaged in premarital sex (sex outside of marriage) (Sexual Behavior, Sexual Attraction, and Sexual Identity in the United States: Data from the 2006-2008 National Survey of Family Growth: US DHHS, March 2011). I fell to my knees again yesterday when I received a press release stating that 1 in 5 American women with multiple children had multiple fathers of those children.
My scream-out-loud moment came when I saw that a staggering 59% of African American women with multiple children had multiple fathers (National Longitudinal Survey of Youth: University of Michigan Institute for Social Research. Date of publication unavailable). My immediate thoughts were, can we go any lower? have we hit rock bottom? are we there yet?
After reading this most recent piece of sociological devastation, I began checking sampling methods, looking over the research protocols, and from a superficial glance the data seemed solid. (Nearly 4,000 U.S. women who had been interviewed more than 20 times over a 27-year period-MSNBC.) What gave me pause was the actual headline by the Grio and the immediacy and urgent response to the investigation released less than 24 hours prior. The Headline you may ask?
““˜Baby daddy’ study may draw unfair spotlight to black women.”
Nice colloquial spin and an instant shift of the focal point of the conclusions of the study. The sources cited in the Grio article were, the National Council of Negro Women; a source who in turn references Sara Baartman and the castigation of black femininity throughout history. The author’s second source, an Internet blogger states “One married mom and dad is not the magic potion that makes families work. There are millions of successful, healthy, blended and non-traditional families.” At this juncture I am hoping you can start to see the direction this debacle took during the course of a Saturday afternoon.
Next, Facebook ran into an all out frenzy, with most commentary falling into denial, dismissal or deflation modal. Here is sampling of a few of the comments I found disturbing, and reminded me mostly of my twelve-year old daughter when she gets caught and knows she’s in trouble;
- “The difference I see in this situation is that White girls get pregnant just as much with out of wedlock births, but they get married before the baby is born”
- “Plus they (White girls) have the insurance or $$ to get private abortions so there is no record of how many they’ve had anywhere therefore few statistics which reflect those numbers.”
- “It’s ONE study. Done by who, and for what purpose? “... White girls have multiple baby daddies too”
- “This is why I am sick of this country. No offense to Americans. They love to molest statistics to pick on some group”
- “statistics reside in a vacuum, a specific point in time and space. They can be manipulated and viewed however one would like.”
- “The stats on Hispanic women may actually be worse”
- “Any good study would take into account co-factors like divorce, median income, education level, religion/faith.”
- “How many men have kids with multiple mothers? Where is that statistic?”
- “Numbers Lie”
While I do not like generalization, I am absolutely comfortable in categorizing the commentators’ remarks as hypocritical, bi-polar, misinformed or disingenuous. How can I feel comfortable in advancing this whittled down summation”... Easily. About one year ago, former stand-up comedian turned relationship guru Steve Harvey, launched a national crusade to address the fact that 42% of African American women had never been married. Fully supported by ABC News, Tyra Banks, Essence Magazine and The grandmother-of-them-all Oprah, Mr. Harvey shared his personal insights into the mind of men in order to help African American Women (AAW) make better decisions around negotiating (or manipulating) the male psyche. He managed to sell a few copies of his book, and there was no questioning, petitioning or protesting of what I believed a very disparaging statistic (42% of AAW never married). Quite possibly because the causality of African American Woman’s plight was laid squarely upon the unemployed, incarcerated, under-educated and unavailable African American Male. So in the eyes of this particular victim, this was a statistic that required a national debate”...and did. The most peculiar thing about the entire debacle was not once did I ever hear anyone mention through this national crisis, this one statistic from the same data set (American Community Survey: US Census Department-2007) 44% of African American Males have never been married either. Which takes the conversation into a more difficult area of why are African Americans so uncoupled? But that won’t get you on Oprah.
I should qualify my commentary that follows with this preface: At present I am multi-tasking, I am editing a Book trailer video for the upcoming novel “Black Woman Redefined: Dispelling Myths and Discovering Fulfillment in the Age of Michelle Obama by Sophia A. Nelson” a powerful look at the denigration of AAW’s identity and an attempt at reconstructing the image of the modern era Black Woman. Secondly the US Census Data is coming in daily and a staggering headline that I haven’t seen the Grio or any other outlets pickup is AAW have the highest college enrollment rate (based on gender) of any ethnicity, and overall second only to Asian Males. Also a precursory look at the economic data for AAW is impressive as well, and I’m sure detailed examination of the data for both AAW and AAM will further expose the strides made by this group. This leads me to my observations and analysis of the state of Black America and a conversation I had with my pastor last week. Unfortunately there are several pathways by which you can measure achievement through the staggering amounts of information, but stated simply data and statistics can be narrowed down to these; individual versus group outcomes and societal constructs of success versus relationship constructs. Simply, our culture tells you that if you have, an education, a career, a home, freedom to choose, whatever you want, whenever you want it, you are achieving the American dream. In the parameters of my faith, it really narrows down to your ability to established significant, complex selfless relationships with others for the uplift and elevation of family, neighborhoods, community and country. So herein lies my quandary, worldly the African American community is achieving, transforming and navigating into spaces that the generations prior could not have imagined, Consequently, socially we are on a perilous journey of self-indulgence that is leaving a generation with very little skills to connect on any significant level with one another.
The evidence is clear, despite the denial, dismissal, deflation and decrying that has come from African American Men and Women around this study and social data already a repressed from communal discourse. WE, have a problem, that WE have not been willing to address either publicly or privately. And if WE continue on this path of self-gratification, self-delusion, self-deification, hubris and hedonistic mantra, talk shows will have much more fodder around the plight of Black relationships for years to come. Today, the summation of a generation of “me” bears out in the statistics. African Americans have;
- The Highest Divorce rates (selfish)
- The Highest Single rates (selfish)
- The Lowest Marriage rates (selfish)
- The Highest Out-of-Wedlock birthrates (selfish)
- The Highest multiple parentage multiple children Rates (selfish)
I do not wish my assessments to be ascribed as a “Black Thing” or a problem isolated to the Black Community. This ideologue of “self” has been pervasive in Western Culture for at least the past forty years. Just in this analysis the sage adage of “when America catches a cold, Black America catches pneumonia” is most applicable.
Sometimes my faith in a people and naiveté leads me to look for data that exudes the best in the 21st century African Americans, but unfortunately, in the complex social inter-connected dynamic that has it’s basis in family, the evidence compounds itself over and over and over. Evidence summarily demonstrating that since 1968, our nation has ascribed to a familial destructive postulate, and now would like to distance ourselves from the debilitating consequences of our choices, and the abominable social plight we have bestowed on our legacy.
What saddens me most is that as I speak to thousands of young people around the country, they are starting to look at us (the Baby Boomers) with one simple question. When will you own up to your responsibilities? Will you ever admit that your actions have never been a part of the African American, or American history? When will you act contrite for making the same social mistake that has led to the collapse of multiple nations throughout history?
Fortunately, and as quiet as it is kept, a community redeeming truth is slowly permeating this next generation of African Americans and giving them a reconciled understanding of the African American family experience in this country. A perspective that is liberating them from the misinformation, misdirection and misleading ways of my generation. This generation has Googled and discovered the fact that the majority of African American children were raised in two-parent homes until the Civil Rights Act of 1964. And that despite chattel slavery, Bull Conner, Jim Crow, water-hosing dog-sicking egregious human violations endorsed by a majority white society, Black children could always count on one thing “... A Mother and A Father to be present and in the home. This next generation is beginning to hold true to the promise of our heritage by desperately trying to find meaningful connections in their inter-personal relationships; despite being handicapped by the selfish insanity that is my generation”...the Baby Boomers.
Janks Morton
A Black Man who contributed his fair share to the aforementioned statistics, and asks forgiveness from the next generation everywhere, always.
JANKS MORTON is a groundbreaking international and award winning Documentarian. As founder of iYAGO ENTERTAINMENT GROUP, LLC, he states “the company came into existence to reflect both the conscious and unconscious soul of Black America. JANKS MORTON has been in the entertainment industry for more than 20 years and is a much sought-after teacher, lecturer, commentator and motivational speaker. He has convened workshops, seminars and served as panelist and keynote speaker at colleges, universities, prisons, conferences, churches and community centers around the world.
Erica Leonard says
I appreciate this post. My heart is burdened as I look out into the sea of our children and see how much our sin has and will hurt them. It is time for us as African Americans to start doing the right thing. First and foremost by turning our eyes to Jesus and stop worrying what the White man has or is doing to us. We are now free and must start standing up to use that freedom in a productive way. There is much group to cover, but as long as we are not doing anything about it, we will just repeat this sad sad cycle.
1992bandb says
someone needs to ring the bell…our generation is going down fast..Single mothers are evywhere in OUR community..sugarcoat it if one must, but i need no statistics to tell me WE have a HUGE problem..Children born to single mothers are more likely to live in poverty to an uneducated mom, not finish school, have babies young, do some jail time…We might as well start investing in jails bcuz thats where they’ll be in 15 yrs..sad but true..Blaming it on the white man isn’t going to cut it..all we have to do is look in the MIRROR..its take a village to raise one will govern our village for us..
All this didn’t happen in an vacuum..No,we watched men leave their families and there was little said.(If so this wouldn’t have continued)but now we see the ramifications of a broken family ppl want to cry out.Save the pity..We left those kids alone and move into our big houses and shut the door on the less fortunate( Its not my problem)…The time is now, roll up the sleeves and help pull these kids up, by listening, loving, mentoring, than instead of followers we’ll bore future LEADERS.. No longer will our neighborhoods be a workshop for JAIL life..
Rubygriffin36 says
The doors of opportunist have open…Let all come together with knowledge,intelligent,and common sense,that we wasn’t allow to have as a human being,back in the day of our ancestor…Let’s use our freedom,as a home coming celebration,to all mankind that have live the struggler, on our journey of this amazing world of the unknown…Back in the days,the older generation,has they way of thinking,but also afraid to speak of the future…but,look of how far we became… and yes, our destination is even farer…
JB says
From someone who speaks to teens every day, I hear the pain EVERY day from a generation of kids that my generation failed…every generation pays for the previous generation’s choices…I always start off my presentation to teens with an apology…I apologize for my generation because we failed them. We failed to parent like we should have, role model appropriate behavior like we should have and provide direction like we should have…I can’t tell you how many times a teenager has come to me after my presentation to thank me for accepting responsibility for my generation’s choices…
What frustrates me is that many adults get very defensive when you mention the fact that children do better in many areas if they are being raised by two parents…I read a quote once that said, ‘Unless we can truly and honestly say that we are where we are today because of choices we made yesterday, we will never chose otherwise.” So what do we get? Generational poverty and out of wedlock births…Until we wake up and admit that we are responsible for the pain that this generation of kids is experiencing, we will never do anything any differently….50 years from now we will continue to blame everything on forces outside of our control…I tell the young people in my classes that where they end up 20, 30, 40 years from now will have more to do with the things they can control rather than the things they can’t control (i.e. race, gender, etc.)…We MUST teach this generation about the power of CHOICES!!!!! They can’t control the hand of cards they were dealt but they can control the hand of cards they deal their kids!
Rubygriffin36 says
I always talking about back in the days,cause back then we care about each others,if one family feast,the whole neighborhood feast…I go back to the old days with our young generation cause they have lose their sense of self…Where is all this low-esteem coming from? We must go back to the old ways of authority,to teach our young people,how to respect others,and themselves…I’m not criticise our young people of today…I’m just saying,Where is the love? It only take one drop of love,for one child…The questional. Is who’s willing to give that one drop of love to safe manys?…
MamaDia says
My God… I think I have NO words…
Michaelcovin says
1. Have a standard before marriage and start raising virgins
2. Stay married
3. Women Stay home with family and men provide and stop making excuses
I will provide more later but we must talk solutions. Everyone knows we are in last place and I am so glad to see this article.
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
TheMrs says
These are things that I have talked about for years and use in my mentoring of young people, both males and females. There is a local technical school that actually plays on the AAW (the commercial begins with a young AAW saying “Let’s face it ladies we have to hold our families down…”) and I am disgusted everytime it comes on. I understand that they are trying to “build” these women up but at the same time they are knocking down the traditional family structure.
@JB~ it’s a natural defense mechanism to “stand up” for yourself but sometimes we need to listen to what others are saying. I actually just removed people from my Facebook page because I was tired of hearing there rants about being mom and dad…unless you have a penile member and impregnated yourself you are not!!! Although there are people that have done well despite their upbringing, the truth is that many do not and that is what should be brought to the forefront.
@Michaelcovin~ How do you propose that the solutions you listed are implemented? Our economy right now is horrible and people are taking any job that they can find, in many cases the position is paying 1/4 – 1/2 of what they were previously making while the cost of living continues to increase. Speaking from my personal experience, my husband’s company did no raise in 2008 or 2009, 1.7% in 2010, and none this year…at the same time our oldest daughter went up 2-3 full shoe sizes since the beginning of the school year, another daughter went from kids to adult sizes, and our baby is growing at a very steady pace. Not even to mention that going into an academic plus middle school she needed a nearly $200 calculator, her own computer(we got her a laptop) with printer, and the list goes on to make sure that she can truthfully compete nationally. So while your solutions sound really good on paper, the practicality of this happening AND working for a lot of families is non-existant. I personally would want to work more with the up and coming males on what it means to be a leader of their family, educating them in a way that they are able to financially support their family so that your solutions are feasible.
Just my honest opinion!!!
Michaelcovin says
TheMrs. I do understand your response because I hear it all the time. The reality is we all need to own our choices. One of the best things I heard while in Pre-marital counseling was set your life up to live with only one income. My wife and I also took the Dave Ramsey, Financial Peace course when times were great and we had money flying all over the place. So when I got laid off and she had been a stay at home mom for 8 years after leaving her corporate job…we relied on our emergency fund(note: got laid off the day before my 4th daughter was born) But when it happened we had no cc debt and no car payments. The only real debt we have is our home and we moved from DC to ATL and bought a modest home. So we homeschool our children which only cost us about 2k a year. We are happy because we have a mission and vision for our family and finances. So the solutions that I presented I actually used and they look even better on paper when the paper has no $500 car payments on it. The reality again is everything we do is a choice and some people may have to move out from behind the gate in their neighborhoods and buy a modest home, but some will let pride cause them to stay where they are until they drown. Just my honest opinion!!!
Nycnewsjunkie says
African Americans keep voting straight Democratic political ticket since the 1960’s and what good has it done for us? Entitlements keep us enslaved. Our music/culture encourages drug use, sex young and with many people, etc….. not sure how we stop this but I know that I will no longer blindly just vote for the Democrat anymore.
Angela Miller says
Thank you, Janks Morton, for your thoughtful commentary. I’m glad to see someone else up in arms over these statistics, but with sadness, rather than with indignation. I’m a doctoral student looking into these social and relationship factors and the impact on health of our children. I truly have no “good” solution to the issues presented, but there is evidence that those in charge of tackling these issues are taking the wrong approach. After reading “Promises I Can Keep: Why Poor Women Put Motherhood Before Marriage”, by Kathryn Edin, I realized that “common sense ain’t common” is all too true in the thought processes of the young women growing up in communities with low socioeconomic status. Reading the accounts of these young women’s thought processes was eye opening. For example, many of the young single mothers quoted in the book saw motherhood as their only purpose in life, but marriage was not. Further, those who did aspire to marriage were so afraid of devaluing the institution of marriage with divorce, that they opted to not get married at all. Ansightful read that I highly recommend.