Singer and actress Brandy shared with the all-female hosted talk show “The Real” that when it comes to marriage, she’s singing a different tune: “I’m satisfied living by myself.”
Often times we hear that it’s the point when you’re at peace and comfortable being on your own that you meet someone special and get married. But Brandy is taking this time in her single season to be solo.
I call this type of single being “single-single:” being single on purpose. It’s an empowering choice to make, not because you can’t be in a relationship, you just choose not to…at least for now. But the songstress, who’s had her share of public heartbreaks, is taking a break from romantic love to get more in tune with who she is.
Love yourself, and that’s the most beautiful thing.
“I’m just like me right now. I just like the way it feels being by myself and taking care of my daughter and doing my thing.” She joins the ranks of other professional female public figures like Oprah Winfrey and Shonda Rhimes, who’ve both shared their desire not to marry.
It’s not just celebs, but an increasing number of adults (millennials notably) are not considering marriage as high a priority as generations before it.
“I’m all about my career right now,” Brandy shared in a candid yet vulnerable way. It’s vulnerable because most women have a desire for companionship in the form of marriage. Brandy was previously engaged at least twice in her life, so it’s not as if she never wanted marriage.
She hasn’t been out on a date in a year and apparently doesn’t see marriage in the future as she stated that she doesn’t want to “go down that road.”
Now it’s one thing to be questioned by people when you’re single and desire to marry, but if you’re single and you want to live single-single, the pressure, misunderstandings and questions will no doubt come from others.
I remember doing that to a friend. When I talked about marriage she’d be supportive and even shared what role she wanted to play in my wedding. But when the scenario switched for her, she usually brushed marriage off, joking about having many boos, but not a husband.
I was, and some ways still am, that friend that tried to see what the back story was because she just had to desire marriage somewhere in her heart, right?
Comedian and co-host Loni Love said it best when she asked that we as peers, the public, and fellow women to respect her personal decisions, whether she doesn’t want to get married ever or changes her mind somewhere down the line. “People don’t want to believe it,” she said because it is misunderstood by others as you not wanting to love or be loved.
“Love yourself, and that’s the most beautiful thing,” added co-host Tamera Housley and yes, self love is a major factor in successful relationships. There are many singles out here with and without the desire to marry who still date and enter relationships.
Yet, they’re miserable on the inside because they don’t love themselves. They would rather be with someone—anyone—than to be alone with themselves. “I’ve never taken this much time on myself,” Brandy admitted in the discussion.
We don’t know Brandy, but taking the time to work on herself by focusing on motherhood and her career seems to be a wise decision for her life. We singles should be aware of ourselves and why we are single.
Do you love yourself? Do you value your time alone? Are you whole?
These are questions that we should be seeking to answer confidently with a yes, no matter what our relationship status is. And if you’re like me and just want all your family or friends to be happy and married, give them the grace and time to figure out exactly what they want, and support them in love either way.
BMWK fam, are you still hoping for marriage? In what ways are you content in your singleness today?
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